audit environment

美 [ˈɔːdɪt ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]英 [ˈɔːdɪt ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]
  • 网络审计环境
audit environmentaudit environment
  1. On the enterprise 's internal audit environment of china


  2. Discussion on the Effects of Audit Environment on Audit Practice


  3. Study on Audit Environment and Audit Judgement in China


  4. Knowledge Economy and the external audit environment .


  5. Analysis of Audit Environment from the Perspective of Principal-Agent


  6. Emerging and developing of government performance auditing are the results of audit environment variation .


  7. The implementation of ERP in enterprises has caused the audit environment to change greatly .


  8. Chapter 1 presents an overview of new audit environment and information technology audit ( IT audit ) .


  9. The Group thinks that the enterprise 's internal audit environment consists of external environment and internal environment .


  10. The influence of WTO to nation audit environment was systematically dissected afterwards .


  11. For the past a few years , many domestic scholars had many different opinions about the audit environment problem .


  12. The reform of budget management is a systematic project which involves the transformation of budget audit environment .


  13. Finally , the paper suggests how to improve audit environment and the principal-agency relationship within audit market .


  14. The author believes that improving the audit environment is the priority to enhance CPA 's independence .


  15. The first part analyses the macroscopical audit environment via stating the substance and the characters of Knowledge Economy .


  16. The conditions of auditor , client , auditing process and audit environment have a great influence on the audit quality .


  17. The enterprise 's internal audit environment has important influence on working contents , goals , functions , and methods of internal audit .


  18. Part 2 : Discusses the concept , the characteristic , and the content classification of SOE 's inner audit environment .


  19. The relations of the audit environment and the audit system will be realized through the analysis in the internal audit aim and method .


  20. Part 4 : Compares the inner audit environment of SOE and that of other sorts of enterprises including foreign enterprises .


  21. This system provides an inside reliable security audit environment for bank , bond department , insurance , government , corporation and so on .


  22. The second chapter describes the functions of the national audit environment and economic development mode shift , the importance and necessity of the improvement of national audit mechanism .


  23. No doubt in China , more improvements in external audit environment will improve the auditing quality and decrease possibility of audit failure or audit compromise .


  24. As the economy continues to grow and the audit environment changing , modern risk-based audit as a new audit methodology and philosophy comes into being .


  25. Because the audit environment is constantly changing , that information systems are gradually substituting traditional accountant systems in enterprises and information users need more timely and dependable information .


  26. This paper generated from the risk-based internal audit environment , the basic definition of its enterprise risk management processes need to seize the key elements of the audit were discussed .


  27. Then based on the change of internal audit environment , this article discusses about the changes of internal audit priorities and points out risk control should become the priority of internal audit .


  28. The introduction of accounting information system has a great impact on audit environment , audit trail , audit contents , audit technology and methods , and also brings about new risks for auditing .


  29. The development of intellectual economy leads to great changes of audit environment , which requires reconstructing audit theory system , including audit assumptions , in order to effectively instruct the development of audit practice .


  30. Based on our current audit environment , taxation policies , laws and regulations for Growth Enterprises Market , and the audit on the practice involved in related question , I raise a variety of thinking .
