attending physician

美 [əˈtendɪŋ fɪˈzɪʃn]英 [əˈtendɪŋ fɪˈzɪʃn]
  • 网络主治医师;主治医生;主诊医师
attending physicianattending physician
  1. Treatment for carotid stenosis in each patient was selected by the attending physician and consisted in medical treatment , endarterectomy or stent placement .


  2. As I described the accident to the attending physician I could not account for the way I was injured since I was out in the open and completely removed from any objects .


  3. The Construction of a Training Program for Attending Physician by Combination of Networks Technology


  4. The shortcomings and Countermeasures of the system of overall responsibility by the attending physician


  5. The attending physician should review these notes regularly to ensure compliance .


  6. Adopting Teaching Management of Overall Responsibility by the Attending Physician Research on Attending in Charge in Military Hospital


  7. The attending physician says Andrew Speaker has a very low level of contagion .


  8. The directive creates an agreement between you and the attending physician .


  9. It is the attending physician 's responsibility to ensure that his junior staff record progress notes daily .


  10. Objective To work out teaching management model to ensure the teaching quality in order to fit the system of overall responsibility by the attending physician .


  11. The pulmonary team includes the attending physician , senior pulmonary fellow , junior resident , and3 medical students .


  12. Method : Management policies are established by discussing the feasibility of using attending physician in charge in a general hospital in order to make sure it values .


  13. A ministering angel ; the angels ministrant sang ; the attending physician .


  14. The hospitalized patients were randomized to antibiotic treatment based on serum procalcitonin levels , or to standard antibiotic therapy administered according to the attending physician .


  15. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician , the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid .


  16. Halpern debated this request with the attending physician who was concerned that the patient would experience air hunger and fear after oxygen was removed , necessitating high doses of sedating drugs .
