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  • n.阿尔勒;定金;订钱


money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract
Synonym: earnest money


  1. Starting this year , every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works .


  2. His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete , however , until he went south to Arles in1888 .


  3. Arles in the South of France was not just a destination but an idea .


  4. In Arles , Van Gogh found the perfect premises for this studio of the south .


  5. Frederic Mistral , born not far from Arles , devoted his life to literature and Provence .


  6. Born in the neighborhood of Arles , she had shared in the beauty for which its women are proverbial ;


  7. Van Gogh went mad later in life and famously chopped of his own ear in 1888 in Arles , France .


  8. Quarter will be displayed in this photo of the2009 International Photography Festival , Arles , France " Discovery Award " Winners .


  9. Vincent van Gogh created more than 300 works during his 15 months in Arles , in 1888 and 1889 .


  10. All that is needed is the loan to Mistral 's museum of a Van Gogh painting , created while he was in Arles .


  11. Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles Romanesque ornament


  12. Arles " du Forum ( 10 , place du Forum ; 33-4-90-93-48-95 ; hotelduforum . com ) occupies a historical stone townhouse with a courtyard swimming pool .


  13. Here are there endless Arles sunflowers , purple lavender , the singular ancient Ro ­ man Aqueduct and the Daudet 's windmills ;


  14. It was first owned by the proprietors of the caf é where Van Gogh lodged in the city of Arles and was later held in a private collection in Japan .


  15. And in the locals at Arles cafes , he saw resonances with the geishas and Kabuki actors of a country he had never visited .


  16. The museum also has drawings by Picasso , sketches by the fashion designer Christian Lacroix ( an Arles native ) and photographs by everyone from Brassa to Berenice Abbott .


  17. Alas , not one van Gogh canvas remains in Arles , not even at the splashy new Fondation Vincent van Gogh , which organizes van Gogh-related exhibitions by contemporary artists .


  18. A note written by F é lix Rey , a doctor who treated van Gogh at the Arles hospital , contains a drawing of the mangled ear showing that the artist indeed cut off the whole thing .


  19. In Paul Gauguin 's autobiographical novel , " Avant et Apr è s , " he describes a disagreement between him and van Gogh in Arles after Gauguin decided to leave .


  20. The Fondation Van Gogh in Arles , an expansive exhibition space topped with an artwork of colored glass refracting Proven light through its roof , which opened in 2014 , is a notable exception .


  21. In her research , Ms. Murphy , who was born in Ireland and has lived in Provence , just outside Arles , for many years , was also able to identify the woman to whom van Gogh gave his ear .


  22. Lit by a vigorous sun , a sheet casts a long shadow on a building in Arles , an ancient town in the south of France where van Gogh journeyed to seek luminous colors like the ones in Japanese prints .


  23. Exhibited for the first time are a police report on van Gogh 's incident in Arles , and a petition by van Gogh 's neighbors there in 1889 , which asked the city 's mayor to institutionalize the artist .


  24. Disappointed , I got back in my car and decided to try to find another van Gogh location on my list : Langlois Bridge , a drawbridge on the outskirts of Arles , which he depicted nine times in 1888 .


  25. So , that is what brought me , in the heat of July , to the busy intersection in Arles , to see if , in a place that he once inhabited , I could find traces of van Gogh 's soul .


  26. Just 20 minutes apart by train , the Roman-era town of Arles and the medieval walled city of Avignon enfold a dense mix of architectural beauty , world-class art , sun-soaked Proven gastronomy and Unesco World Heritage sites .


  27. A few months ago , I stood at the corner of a busy roundabout called Place Lamartine , across from the Roman gates leading into Arles in southern France , on a spot that was pivotal in the life of Vincent van Gogh .


  28. After he cut off a part of his ear in Arles , he was admitted to the Arles hospital in Provence , where he painted the lush gardens that are still on display free to the public , as Espace Van Gogh .


  29. From there , I traveled to his renowned painting locations , Montmartre in Paris and Arles and St. R é my in Provence , and ultimately to the Parisian suburb of Auvers-sur-Oise , where his life was cut short in his 37th year .


  30. Fondation Vincent Van Gogh in Arles ( 35 rue du Dr. Fanton ; Arles ; fondation-vincentvangogh-arles . org / ) , in the center of the old city of Arles , is a great place to begin a tour of van Gogh locations throughout Arles .
