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  • 网络阿拉德;亚拉得;罗马尼亚
  1. Many victims'family members object to Arad 's plan to list the names randomly .


  2. He used to do this thing in our office that people would laugh at , says Mr Arad .


  3. Against the odds , Mr Perlmutter and Mr Arad won control .


  4. Secure Zone is a mid-range derivative of the company 's Secure Fence , offering its ARaD technology at a lower price .


  5. The industrial designer Ron Arad came up with this rotating shower / bath with Italian manufacturers Teuco .


  6. He will take a regular plane and not a private plane , says Avi Arad , a fellow Israeli and a long-time business partner .


  7. He became involved with the group in the early 1990s through Toy Biz , a toy company he ran with Mr Arad whose products depended heavily on Marvel characters .


  8. Arad , M. " Locality constraints on the interpretation of roots : the case of Hebrew denominal verbs . " 2001.Ms .


  9. Audio Commentary with director Sam Raimi , Tobey Maguire , producer Avi Arad and co-producer Grant Curtis .


  10. Based on the website management system used in Lin Cang Bureau of Science and Technology , aRAD model is designed in line with the MVC mode to solve the main problem of web-page contents in the website management system .


  11. Dr Maria Suciu , a general practitioner based in the western city of Arad , says : " The amount of money we receive from the National Health Insurance House is very small and we cannot equip our office . "


  12. The descendants of Moses'father-in-law , the Kenite , went up from the City of Palms with the men of Judah to live among the people of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad .


  13. And when king Arad the Canaanite , which dwelt in the south , heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies ; then he fought against Israel , and took some of them prisoners .


  14. Arad and Blau abstracted the concept of table algebras , which are a class of finite dimensional , associative and commutative algebras over the complex numbers with certain specified properties , from the decompositions of products of either irreducible characters or conjugacy classes of finite groups .
