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  • 网络亚洲石油价格指数;离源;大气压光电离;大气压光电离源;大气压光致电离
  1. Supporting the agricultural product processing is supporting agriculture , supporting APPI is supporting farmers .


  2. Chapters IV and V , practical applications of APPI at home and abroad are introduced .


  3. Practices at home and abroad show that the level of development of APPI in developed countries is closely connected with government support .


  4. As a result , vigorously developing APPI is of great significance for the establishment of The New Countryside and modern agriculture .


  5. I mainly clarify the positive roles that government support plays and the major problems during the process of the development of APPI in China .


  6. It is aPPI ( proton pump inhibitor ) .


  7. The third chapter is devoted to introduce the achievements of APPI in China , problems ( development potential ) and the trend of policy support .


  8. Chapter VII , including in the element of the goals of government support , tries to build a financial support system of promoting the development of APPI .


  9. It summarizes the full text , restates major research results and makes policy recommendations to government support behavior in the process of the development of APPI in China .


  10. Hence , this paper analyzes the present situation of APPI , Points out the development and adjusting measure ments of agricultural product processing machinery technology , and forecasts the prospects of rural industrialization .


  11. With regard to the effect analysis of financial support for APPI , we demonstrate with a case study , based on such a clue : Policy Evaluation ( performance evaluation methods ) & theoretical analysis of the adaptability .


  12. Agricultural Product Processing Industry ( APPI ) is an important part of the Agricultural Industrialization in China , which not only meets the basic needs of human for food , and increases the added value of agricultural products .


  13. National and local governments have attached great importance to agricultural products processing and APPI and have done a lot of practical work in terms of APPI , during which a lot of valuable experience is gathered .


  14. In the development of future agriculture . The APPI has great developmental potentialities and economic benefit , the functions of which include adjusting the agricultural structure , improving the income of farmer and transmitting the surplus labors in rural area .


  15. The gap between the development at home and abroad shows that APPI has a lot of dromotropic effects on increasing fanners ' income and promoting agricultural and rural economic development . Experience of the past has proved that APPI has irreplaceable capabilities and functions in the industry mechanisms .
