any dream

美 [ˈeni driːm]英 [ˈeni driːm]
  • 网络任何梦想
any dreamany dream
  1. Today humanity is leaving the same script from this time period and also believes as a result that they owe to have any dream at all .


  2. You can realize nearly any dream , if you have enough determination .


  3. Persevere persist , I think , regardless of any dream will be realized .


  4. Upon reaching adulthood , my dreams started to wane and at best I could not recall any dream upon waking up .


  5. What It Means : Any dream about a bathroom represents your fundamental needs , and if you cannot find one at work , it means your needs aren 't being met or you 're having trouble expressing them .


  6. When Yuriko Nishi 's three grown-up sons left home , she asked her husband of 36 years an unusual question : Was there any dream married life had prevented him from fulfilling ?


  7. Can I tell you something , grace ? I grew up just like you . I didn 't have a lot of pretty things . But I never let that stop me from going after any dream I wanted .


  8. Butterflies are perhaps the summer 's dream , only in the summer fly only fly for the summer , autumn , summer , are not aware of any dream , so to deceive our eyes .


  9. It is because Mila and Oa were so intent upon ascending in this lifetime that any dream that would have lead to the multitudes knowing of their work has been cancelled from their dream weaving .


  10. There were a hundred thousand shapes and substances of incompleteness , wildly mingled out of their places , upside down , burrowing in the earth , aspiring in the air , mouldering in the water , and unintelligible as any dream .


  11. Isn 't that what life 's about ? Holding on to your good memories . All I wanted was a moment with Astrid one moment to give me hope that any dream 's possible . You 've had all that , Mary Margaret , so stop feeling sorry for yourself and enjoy it . Because I haven 't.


  12. A dream book takes any possible dream you can have and transforms it into a lucky number .


  13. Has any boyhood dream ever been fulfilled ?


  14. After encountering many setbacks as any grand dream in the world is destined to , it came through .


  15. While it may be difficult to draw conclusions from any one particular dream , research suggests that dreams are more than just a random10 montage of scenes that flit through our brains at night .


  16. And any man can dream anything he wants to dream .


  17. For example , 68 percent of respondents dreamed " of being a child again ," but hardly any have that dream repeatedly .


  18. It didn 't seem to have occurred to him that the masses , once mobilized , could work greater wonders than any individual could dream of .


  19. Can you detect any themes from the dream ?


  20. In general , the brain conditioning theories don 't place much , if any , emphasis on dream content .


  21. This would be any little boy 's dream bedroom , because it looks so much like a pirate ship !


  22. True feel sleepy come to any further in the dream however come so what pain and sufferings the agonies all had no.


  23. Watanabe believes that young girls of any generation will inevitably dream of some version of heroes rescuing damsels or of a knight in shining armour .


  24. Created by a Japanese pastry chef named Nobue Ikara , the Platinum Cake rings in at the tiny price of $ 130,000 , and is any platinum lover 's dream .


  25. It wasn 't long ago we listened to the whir of a dot-matrix printer spitting out documents from our computers , now a 3D printer renders any object we can dream up the same way .
