
美 [ˈæmərtaɪzɪŋ]英 [əˈmɔːtaɪzɪŋ]
  • v.分期偿还,摊还(债款)
  • amortize的现在分词



  • 2
    VERB 分期偿还(债务等)
    In finance, if you amortize a debt, you pay it back in regular payments.

    Business expenses had to be amortized over a 60 month period.


  1. For an amortizing transaction , the amount will be listed in an amortization schedule .


  2. Research of the amortizing decision-making based on option pricing model


  3. Dynamic Load Amortizing and Strength Analysis of Leg of Wind Farm Installation Vessel


  4. The straight-line method normally is used for amortizing intangible assets .


  5. Amortizing functions of potassium nutrition on different genotypes wheat seedling under NaCl stress


  6. Basis for amortizing the costs of technology transfers


  7. An Elastic Analysis of Adjusting the Interest Rates of Amortizing a Loan Based on the Interest-reducing Environment


  8. The results indicated that the leaching of acid rain led to increasing of latent acid of soil in short time though amortizing of soil to acid precipitation .


  9. Even better , you can run your program for a long , long time , ensuring that you trigger many garbage collections , more accurately amortizing the allocation and garbage collection cost .


  10. But after research on accounting regulation on intangible assets , I feel there are still shortcomings , such as small scope of intangible assets accounting and simpleness of amortizing manners .


  11. So Barro is simply wrong when he claims that although the stimulus boosts employment now , amortizing the stimulus must inevitably reduce employment at some point in the future .


  12. The capacity , efficiency , availability and amortizing ability of change on temperature , acidity and alkalinity to treat printing ink wastewater and municipal wastewater with Additional Gas IC Reactor were studied .


  13. The sweet flavor , grass flavor , green flavor have amortizing effect during back lactation on the falling of milk yield , but it had not significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .


  14. In the aspect of amortizing technique the skill of swinging arm was insufficient in the ordinary crowd and there was no significant difference in demands on the range of amortization between the ordinary crowd and the athletes .


  15. The so-called right to use farming land refers to the contract and management right of farming land , and the behavior of amortizing the narrowly & defined right to use farming land to other peasant households or units through the form of transferring , contracting , leasing etc.


  16. Raiser mechanism is the key mechanism of take up , if the speedy raising up and the precise height are required , raiser mechanism should be elasticized , combining soft-combination with the goods and amortizing the wallop when the goods are stepped up to the right position .
