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  • abbr.阿莫;Mao, Chad 乍得;Aircraft Material Officer 航空材料指挥官
  1. Like Amo , I 've never been to the city .


  2. The Study of Out of Control in Good Management in the Marketing Channels Management of AMO Cosmetic


  3. Atomic , molecular and optical physics ( AMO ) is an important research field of fundamental physics .


  4. I said te amo , wouldnt somebody tell me what she said .


  5. We love you > Tulaliloo ti amo


  6. Dropping the activity of AMO .


  7. Then there was AMO that designed a new flag for the European Union that transformed all national flags into a multicolored'barcode ' .


  8. The Observatory operates the Airport Meteorological Office ( AMO ) at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation .


  9. Anaerobic methane oxidation ( AMO ) is a globally important biogeochemistry process , which has been identified by sufficient geochemical evidence .


  10. The light-matter interaction is one of the central topics of modern atomic , molecular , and optical physics ( AMO ) and quantum control .


  11. And then obtained the amo gene knockout strain named NP1 : : amo by the use of three parents hybridization method .


  12. Group B was given a standard triple therapy ( CBS + AMO + Met , the same dosage as mentioned above ) for two weeks .


  13. He found that a climate system called the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation ( AMO ) was a dominant source of variability in ice extent .


  14. It overcome the limitations of AMO algorithm when selecting the state for pricing Asian option which will be more perfect and more close to reality in theory .


  15. The aviation weather forecaster is responsible for issuing weather forecasts and warnings for the airport , and supervising operation of amo .


  16. There is a synergistic interaction maximum while the mixed ratio of carrageenan and Amo is 60 / 40 , the total polysaccharide concentration is 1 % .


  17. In these firms , the Rem Koolhaas-led OMA / AMO influential in China , especially the new CCTV headquarter project , attracted great controversy .


  18. Along with the AMO entering a cold phase , the winter warming in China is projected to slow down , or even reverse by the middle term of 2020s .


  19. The activity of AMO , the stability of bacteria community composition and the treatment efficiency of the wastewater treatment system were improved evidently , after the activated sludge system was operated for a certain extant .


  20. AMO has been applied to a swath of 3 D practical seismic data processing and satisfactory results have been gotten , which have enhanced the diffractions and the reflections from fault plane .


  21. The Secretary for broadcasting , culture and sport is the Antiquities Authority who implements the provisions of the Antiquities and monuments Ordinance through the amo .


  22. The AMO is a cycle of warming and cooling in the North Atlantic that repeats every 65 to 80 years - it has been in a warming phase since the mid-1970s .


  23. Based on Fenhe River hydrographical feature and fomes property to select a suitable water quality model and to determine permissible pollution amo unt taken in river area , in the discussion of pollution control .


  24. Using this model the calculations on the semi-conductors - with known properties show that the maximum efficiency of such solar cell can reach 39.4 % > ( AM1 ) and 36.8 % ( AMO ) .


  25. AMO put in a $ 75-a-share offer of $ 45 in cash and $ 30 in AMO stock for each Bausch & Lomb share .


  26. Results : The drug sensitivity rate of salmonella bacteria to AMO , PIC , TIC , CIP , chloromycetin and the third generation cephalosporins was high , but the drug resistance to aminoglycosides was low .


  27. From DMO and inverse DMO in f k domain , this paper derives the time and amplitude formulas of AMO impulse responses by stationary phase , according to the basic principle of azimuth moveout ( AMO ) .


  28. The method has been applied to determine the content of AMP and AMO in capsule and spiked recovery tests were carried out . The recoveries were 102.3 % and 98.2 % for AMP and AMO , respectively .


  29. The disperse threshold value of KF is 15 % when AMO carrier is impregnated with KF at a appropriate temperature . Strong basicity is got after KF / AMO treated at the temperature between 300 ~ 400 ℃ .


  30. In the third part of dissertation , the thesis introduces the marketing channels actually fact of AMO cosmetic , and the affection which out of control in good management cause the sales of AMO cosmetic . The thesis analyse the reason of causing the problem .
