Official documents generally can be called amanuensis materials or files .
Campaign project amanuensis is created real time with assistant campaign project subsystem .
Discussion on Volume-making Management in Sectors of Amanuensis COMPLETION FILES AND AUDIT OF PROJECT
They had to find him an amanuensis .
One team just announced the discovery of the on-average 7.7 millimeter Paedophryne amanuensis , which can sit comfortably on a dime .
Official documents , also called official amanuensis , refers to various written materials shaped in the process of handling affairs by official departments , collectives , and companies .
Units of legal affairs : procurator , amanuensis , forensic physician , inspector , bailiff , investigator , rectification personnel , and guard .
Army men working in the company , from the battalion leader to the political instructor , the amanuensis , and cooks , all were in an excited mood .
Abstract As is known , the language in the standard legal amanuensis is generally called legislation language . It is one of the behavior criterions which are ascertained in the format of language and words .
It was a sort of amanuensis symbol and calculational methods that trafficked in the economic amanuensis of all nation in Western Regions , and was a special technology of economic affiliate with all nation in Western Regions .