Visiting people and places Mr Agon does not have time to see .
Mr Agon is French , speaks fluent English and has a good working knowledge of German and Greek .
He then found his own consultancy firm in1996 , and today is Chief Executive Officer and President of Agon Hotels and Resorts Ltd.
Although he stepped back from the day-to-day running of the company two years ago , handing over the job to Jean-Paul Agon , he remains chairman .
Freud 's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology ( Harold Bloom )
So acquisitions are on the agenda and , although Mr agon is coy about targets , he says he wants to buy products that will create organic growth .
She was 94 . Her death was confirmed by Jean-Paul Agon , chairman and chief executive of L'Or é al Group , on the company 's website .
Asked about his change of tack , Mr agon said : " I thought that , in difficult times , people with high salaries should contribute , " but added that 75 per cent had " clearly not " been the level he had had in mind .