absolute magnitude

美 [ˌæbsəluːt ˈmæɡnɪtuːd]英 [ˌæbsəluːt ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd]
  • n.绝对星等(天体光度的一种量度)
absolute magnitudeabsolute magnitude


a measure of how bright a star, planet, etc. is, as it would be seen at a standard distance from the earth

compare apparent magnitude


(astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32.62 light years) from the earth


  1. Absolute Magnitude and the Kinematic Parameters of RR Lyrae Stars


  2. The Determination of Distance of Galactic Globular Clusters and Estimation of the Absolute Magnitude of Cluster Horizontal Branch


  3. The most common exceptions to the use of the absolute magnitude convention are temperature and LOGIC levels .


  4. Problems of urbanization are widely noted and studied , not only because of their absolute magnitude but also because of their visibility .


  5. The zero point of the period - luminosity relation of Cepheids and the absolute magnitude of the RR Lyrae variables


  6. You can see that in many Asian countries where rate of urbanization and the absolute magnitude of populations means that the sewerage systems , the energy systems just can 't cope with the pressure .


  7. On the basis of equivalent heat-drop theory under variation of heat quantity , a mathematical description concerning heat mass energy entering into or leaving from the thermodynamic system as absolute magnitude was deduced .


  8. It discusses the physical basis of the magnitudes and the approaches to the unification of magnitudes , and suggests that to establish an absolute magnitude scale is the cardinal way to solve the problem of confusion of magnitudes .


  9. The determinations of the absolute magnitude and the kinematic parameters of RR Lyrae stars , their effects on the estimations of the distances and the ages of the globular clusters , and the comparisons between the results and ones from other indicators of distances are reviewed .


  10. He said his numbers may have been ' polluted ' by large volumes of distressed sales in the past , which tend to exaggerate the current increases . Yet he is confident that he has the direction of the trend in U.S. home prices right , if not its absolute magnitude or speed .


  11. Optical gray scalae image matching based on absolute difference magnitude


  12. The Absolute K Magnitude and the Distance of OH / IR Stars


  13. Effect of Opacity on the Maximum Absolute Bolometric Magnitude of Ia Supernova


  14. 3 ) The absolute intensities of the emission bands have been obtained from the absolute magnitude M_B and the relative intensities of the emission bands for Nova ( Table 4 ) .
