
  • n.列线(诺谟)图;坐标网
  1. ABAC APEC Business Advisory Council


  2. ABAC pattern is one of the problems which need to make a thorough study in Chinese .


  3. Growth of ABAC Structured Film by Computer Simulation


  4. ABAC declare a boost to the development of minor enterprises .


  5. ABAC : APEC Business Advisory Council Project Supervision & Consulting Office


  6. Identification of Chemical Abac Based on Turbo C


  7. Secondly , to the two modules of attributes and strategy in the ABAC model did detailed study respectively .


  8. This thesis puts forward the concept of Agent connector and proposes the ABAC model based on studying software architecture and Agent technology .


  9. An adaptive binary arithmetic coding ( ABAC ) algorithm was introduced which was based on multi-order context .


  10. We applaud the contributions of the APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC ) to our work .


  11. They welcomed ABAC 's proposal to review the APEC Food System and update it in the light of the food challenges facing the region .


  12. On the basis of literal meaning , the meaning of ABAC , as a whole , is summarized , extended and abstracted .


  13. Then an Attribute-based access control ( ABAC ) model is proposed , which adopted the authorization mechanism dynamically and fine-grained based on subject , resource and environment attributes .


  14. 64 . We commend the constructive role of the APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC ) in strengthening public-private partnership and promoting APEC cooperation in various fields .


  15. Three calculation methods of dust explosion relief were described , which were proportion calculation method , cube root calculation method and abac calculation method . Some problems and limits of these calculation methods were pointed out .


  16. APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC ) and APEC CEO summit are just ideal places for the APEC business community to exchange ideas , promote mutual friendship and expand cooperation .


  17. ABAC representative of the United States in one of the United States CBOL Chairman Spencer Kim , the current situation of SMEs is an opportunity , so do not think the worst .


  18. In considering the various possibilities at the same time , ABAC also agreed that : create a more powerful , full support of free trade , APEC is now able to make the WTO the biggest contribution .


  19. The paper describes the ABAC model in terms of its authorization architecture and policy formulation , and makes a detailed comparison between ABAC and traditional role-based models , which clearly shows the advantages of ABAC .


  20. In the management of attributes , for the problems of attribute elements maintenance difficulty and heterogeneous attribute of multi-domain in ABAC model , we propose the method of using ontology to build and maintain the elements of access control .


  21. In ABAC systems , authorization decisions are based on attributes of requestor , resource and environment . ABAC avoids the need for permissions to be assigned to individual requestors before the request is made .


  22. The identity and access management module is a web application that mainly gives the solution to support creation and management information of users , roles , resources and a variety of access control policies of the ACL , RBAC and ABAC .


  23. In this regard , the APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC ) and APEC 's policy partnerships and industry dialogues can contribute significantly by providing private sector feedback or insight on market needs , trends and expectations .
