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  1. Government economists predicted a400 % increase in tax revenue from individuals .


  2. He is a400 pound pig who calls this Beijing apartment home .


  3. Proven background in managing a400 + hotel .


  4. Recently , Amazon UK recorded a400 % increase in sales of hen-keeping titles .


  5. Before publishing we will need a short bio , a200 word abstract , and a400 word abstract of your article .


  6. Doubling the dose given at six-hour intervals can cause a400 percent increase in the amount of the medicine that remains in the body .


  7. A500 error code indicates a failure on your end , but a400 error code indicates a failure on the client 's end ( BAD REQUEST ) .


  8. Any time you exceed the rate limit , Twitter returns a400 error message , so you need to think about implementing local caches on your side of things .


  9. And as the company advertises , if you need to compute the characteristic polynomial of a400 x400 matrix over Q , you need Fermat .


  10. " A400 ml bottle of Watsons water costs me two yuan , but I did not need to pay for the water on campus [ in the past ] ," said Tang .


  11. Xinhua says the deal allows China 's top oil company to build a400 kilometer pipeline from an oil field in the western part of the UAE to the eastern Fujairah port , on the Gulf of Oman .


  12. Or store airtight in a plastic bag or wrapped in foil : The crust will soften , but can be crisped by heating the loaf , uncovered , in a400 degree oven for a few minutes .
