
  • 网络植虫
  1. Conseil observed and classified his zoophytes , articulates , mollusks , and fish .


  2. Its fine-grained sand was followed by a genuine causeway of smooth crags covered by a carpet of mollusks and zoophytes .


  3. But for a few minutes I kept accidentally confusing the two kingdoms , mistaking zoophytes for water plants , animals for vegetables .


  4. Having nothing better to do , I decided to dredge these beautiful , clear waters , which exhibited a profusion of shells , zoophytes , and open-sea plants .


  5. The open-sea plants had already left behind the increasingly arid seafloor , where a prodigious number of animals were still swarming : zoophytes , articulates , mollusks , and fish .


  6. Among mollusks and zoophytes , I found in our trawl 's meshes various species of alcyonarian coral , sea urchins , hammer shells , spurred-star shells , wentletrap snails , horn shells , glass snails .


  7. I observed that vegetable life was disappearing more quickly than animal life . The open-sea plants had already left behind the increasingly arid seafloor , where a prodigious number of animals were still swarming : zoophytes , articulates , mollusks , and fish .


  8. And the power of their light was increased by those glimmers unique to medusas , starfish , common jellyfish , angel-wing clams , and other phosphorescent zoophytes , which were saturated with grease from organic matter decomposed by the sea , and perhaps with mucus secreted by fish .
