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  • 网络泽纳;齐纳二极管;齐娜;詹娜;女人
  1. The Paul Smith logo design was actually written by Zena , a friend of Paul , so handwritten trademarks need not be authentic signatures .


  2. Torture or not , Zena and Storm aren 't the first men to volunteer for fake childbirth .


  3. Storm and Zena are no strangers to painful stunts .


  4. So bad is the pain , Zena is left questioning whether he even wants children as his wife would be forced to go through an experience he describes as ' torture ' .


  5. Strapped up to the electrodes and with the stunt seconds from starting , Zena asks of a nurse : ' Do you think the pain will make us scream ? ' .


  6. Speaking ahead of the simulated labour , Storm and Zena revealed they wanted to experience the pain of childbirth because they 'd heard that ' giving birth is the worst pain there is ' .


  7. Dutch presenting duo Dennis Storm and Valerio Zena were hooked up to electrodes that replicated the contractions women are forced to undergo - but the men only lasted two hours before they begged for the electrodes to be taken off .
