Year Book

美 [jɪr bʊk]英 [jɪə(r) bʊk]
  • 年鉴
Year BookYear Book
  1. In Part 3 on base of the research results we construct a regress model by the data of Shandong Statistic Year Book and illustrate the large drawing function of consumption to economics firstly .


  2. At last , based on the data of the Year Book of marine , the current state and trend of marine development of our country is evaluated , the developing strategy is analyzed , and the referenced marine sustainable developing strategy is proposed .


  3. Three guys show up in both the year book and diary .


  4. Oh , there is a picture of her in the year book actually .


  5. Their mug shots in the year book are very special .


  6. This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university .


  7. The typhoon year book data ( 1949-1994 ) are used to analyse the tropical cyclone . First , the tropical cyclones entered in north of 30 ° N and west of 125 ° E are defined as the influencing the northern China tropical cyclones .


  8. September is the busiest time of year for book shops .


  9. Harry will be in his seventh and final year in book seven .


  10. Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space .


  11. A big hit at this year 's book fair was the Digital Bookstore , where visitors could read e-books by flipping through pages on slimly-designed touch screens .


  12. Want to notice different a particular year uses a book to differ likely also nevertheless .


  13. When he added up the figures , he carried over the total into the next year 's account book .


  14. I ask next year 's Year Book now to what products the company bought , and this year 's list in time to get what ?


  15. During one of the panel discussions at this year 's Shanghai Book Fair , his dream finally But the young man is not without regret .


  16. Writing in The Times earlier that year , the book critic Christopher Lehmann-Haupt nearly placed the mini-series above the novel .


  17. His latest collection of essays ," Tests of Time ," is a finalist for this year 's National Book Critics Circle Award .


  18. I originally planned to spend a year doing a book on successful businesses while staying with a friend who had retired there .


  19. But net earnings rose 18 per cent to $ 18.6bn in the first nine months of the year , and book value was up 3.3 per cent .


  20. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect , as inI could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton .


  21. The first half of the year saw Nokia book more patents than in any six-month period since 2007 , Mr. Elop said , leaving Nokia with more than 30000 in all .


  22. Hobbes returned to England the same year of the book 's publication , and spent most of the rest of his long life , Leviathan was written well into his60s .


  23. If action is not taken , inequality will increase ( a phenomenon also addressed by Thomas Piketty in last year 's award-winning book Capital in the Twenty-First Century ) and economic growth could stall .


  24. Last year , the book value of Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway badly trailed the S & P 500 , increasing less than the broad market index over the past five years for the first time in history .


  25. As far as we know , it took him more than a year to write the book .


  26. " Growth has slowed since the beginning of the year ," the beige book said .


  27. It was a year after finishing the book before a publisher bought it .


  28. The announcement of this year 's US National Book Awards finalists has highlighted a number of modern literary gems .


  29. This year , the World book and Copyright Day will be celebrated in the framework of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures .


  30. Released by art book publisher Taschen late last year , the copy book is an inadvertent how-to for crafting business communications .
