
  • 网络杨凌;杨陵区;杨陵
  1. Yangling hydropower station has adopted microcomputer excitation regulator , its performance is far better than the former excitation equipment .


  2. It 's late for Yangling to start the ecologic village construction , so the level of development is universally low .


  3. The Research of Residential Constructions Project to New Countryside of Yangling in Shaanxi Province ;


  4. Yangling isn 't good at PE , but she does well in Maths .


  5. The Qianlong mausoleum is already a prominent tourist site , while the Han Yangling Museum opened last year .


  6. Therefore Yangling should implement three main strategies which are " exterior strive "," congregation in industries " and " tourism development " .


  7. In this paper , intact loess samples and disturbed loess samples of Yangling are studied by using uniaxial and triaxial tensile tests .


  8. When he sings the song " Picking Vetches at Yangling , " several hundred people sing with him ;


  9. It analyzes the existing pattern of rural cooperative medical care and their main problems in Yangling ; the fifth chapter , rural medical security system both at home and abroad and its reference .


  10. OBJECTIVE To get a view of knowledge among the adult residents in Yangling , and to inflect their capacity to prevent AIDS , and to provide evidence for future health education .


  11. Fruit development of " Gold sun " apricot was observed and analyzed in and out of the greenhouse in Yangling Shenfeng Company in2004 to2005 .


  12. The quantitative evaluation of environment on Guanzhong area showed that the diffusion environments of every region are all poor ( except Yangling ) and different factor has exerts different force on the environment .


  13. Yangling agro-science-city enjoys advantages as industrialization of agro-science , manufacture of agro-productive facilities and process on farm-products .


  14. Today , Shaanxi Province , the first women 's handicraft skills , Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition and Promotion boutique opening at the Yangling agricultural high-held .


  15. Investigation of Financial Situation and Comparison Analysis of Fixed Peasant Households in Canal Irrigation Area of Yangling ; Water-right trading calculation for different types of lined canals in the Yellow River water diversion irrigation districts in Ningxia


  16. Because of increasing the degree of environmental protection , many high-polluting and high energy-consuming enterprises move from the bigger cities to the smaller ones , such as Yangling 、 Wugong 、 Xingping and increase the environment pressure of these Region .


  17. Ecological sightseeing , agricultural science and technology and agricultural culture should be the orientation for Yangling ′ s tourism in the future . Finally , complementary pattern with the famous tourist cities such as Xi ′ an , Xianyang will be formed .


  18. This paper focuses on the exploration and interpretation of the meaning of " yangling " and ' ling ' in on Yuan 's poems by using the method of comparing the materials from the archaeological finds with the original Chu poems for mutual confirmation .
