Yang Ming

  • 网络杨明;阳明海运
Yang MingYang Ming
  1. Yang ming 's nothing outside the mind is not an epistemological proposition .


  2. Experiment Research of Tonifying Fluid and Qi of Yang Ming on Gene Expression of Reproduction Axis of the Primary Senile Rat


  3. WANG Yang ming 's Influence on Prose Schools ' Development in Ming Dynasty


  4. Hi , Yang Ming ! I have a new bike .


  5. Yang Ming : Where do you play football ?


  6. Wang Yang Ming 's Doctrine of Unity of Theory and Practice and Its Ethical Value


  7. It 's this that really gets to me @ , fumes Yang Ming .


  8. Evil in Wang Yang ming 's Thoughts


  9. Yang Ming : I know their mother is a duck a duck can swim .


  10. Yang Ming : What are these , Lisa ?


  11. And you , Yang Ming ?


  12. I 'm Yang Ming , the interpreter .


  13. Yang Ming : Can they swim ?


  14. Yang Ming : No , I wasn ' t.But my father was born there .


  15. This point , the absorption of Mencius , the goodness of Yang Ming " in conscience " thinking .


  16. Yang Ming , a reporter of Xinhua , put more of the onus on the athletes .


  17. Humanity and morality is a kind of Wang yang Ming poetry aesthetic standards , we from his poetry was found in artistic beauty of humanity .


  18. Yang Ming 's neighbours claim that they were being kept awake , night after night , and being driven mad by the noise .


  19. China should send amateur athletes to the next Asian Games to counter China 's dominance at the event , Xinhua reporter Yang Ming wrote yesterday .


  20. Objective : Explore the functional mechanism of herbs for Tonifying Fluid and Qi of Yang Ming on delaying aging of the primary senile female rat ovary .


  21. A recent newspaper article on drummer Yang Ming has caused outrage from teenage fans who can 't believe that loss of sleep is a reason for complaint .


  22. Since May 2 , the three buses have carried more than 1000 passengers safely at a maximum speed of 15 km per hour , according to Yang Ming , director of the institute .


  23. Yang Ming , the CEO of Papi Jiang 's team behind the viral videos , also said that they have been made aware of their shortcomings and will heed the authorities ' call for revision .


  24. Methods : 40 patients of limb dyskinesia were treated with the facilitation techniques with acupuncture as a treatment group and another 40 patients of the same disease mentioned above were treated with acupuncture at acupoint Yang Ming channel mainly , as a control .


  25. On Personality Aesthetic Thought of Wang Yang - ming


  26. In order to find out the being of reality and the reality of existence , Wang Yang - ming made various attempts to describe the sense of grasping the essence and the method for education .


  27. Search for the Being of Reality and the Reality of Existence WANG Yang - ming ′ s Philosophy of Mind and CHIANG Kai - shek ′ s Philosophy of Practice with Earnestness


  28. Analysis of Ancient Rhyme Patterns , written by Yang shen in the Ming Dynasty for the purpose of better study of ancient phonetic sounds , is a book which analyzes the patterns of ancient China 's rhymes .


  29. If Angle sun valley , rate line has swelling , nodules , for less Yang blood winding block , appropriate diarrhea ; Head d acupuncture point week has a swelling , nodules , Yang Ming blood for collaterals block , appropriate diarrhea .
