
美 [eks ɡæl]英 [eks ɡæl]
  • 网络x加仑;半乳糖苷;生色底物
  1. Methods : Determine the efficiency of adenovirus-mediated gene transduction by X-gal stain .


  2. The infection efficiency of adenovirus vector to MSCs was tested by x-gal stain .


  3. The recombinant clone was screened by X-gal plate and plasmid map , and identified by restricted enzyme mapping analysis method .


  4. The difference between the effects of lactose and X-gal on the conformation of AAL is also showed by the synchronous spectrum .


  5. The efficiency of recombination reached to 100 % by the color selection on the a-garose plate containing IPTG and X-Gal .


  6. Mice embryos were transfected with Ad vectors and detected the infection efficiency by X-Gal stain to determine the exact MOI for human embryo transfection .


  7. The X-gal blue staining rate of transduced cells was about 13.33 ± 2.68 % in human and about 16.28 ± 2.95 % in mouse without G418 selection .


  8. The bacterio-liquid was spreaded on the plate culture medium contained the Aminobenzylpenicillin , the X-gal and IPTG . ⑦ Then , we picked out the needed germs by drug-resistance screening and the blue-white spots test .


  9. At last , protein interaction could be identified by X-Gal verification . The results showed that the recombinant bait plasmid and capture plasmids were constructed successfully . The target gene could be expressed in yeast cells . There was no self-activation and toxicity for yeast .
