Village Party

Village PartyVillage Party
  1. Build rural credit environment counting on village Party branches ;


  2. The village Party branch makes decision and supervises through villager assembly ;


  3. The Transformation of Leads the Ways That the Village Party Organization Takes under the Villagers Autonomous Condition


  4. Figure ②:" the minds of a village party secretary ," paper-cut works .


  5. Finally found that changes in power is a microcosm of the village party secretary of the power structure changes .


  6. We should strengthen the building of village-level supporting organizations which rally around village Party organizations .


  7. " The system of three votes ": the primary exploration originating the elective method of the village party branch


  8. But at present , there are some aspects of the village party organization do not go with the socialism new rural construction .


  9. Analysis on the Relation between the Village Party Branch and the Committee of the Villagers in the Course of Village People Autonomy


  10. Properly Dealing with the Relation between Village Party Branch of the Communist Party of China and Village Committe


  11. The relation between village party branch of the Communist Party of China and Village Committee is that of leading and being led .


  12. In terms of practice , the following measures should be considered : connecting voting the village Party branch with the evaluation by villagers directly ;


  13. We will improve self-governance among villagers and foster a mechanism of their self-governance full of vitality under the leadership of village Party organizations .


  14. The paper discussed the four kinds of authority supports mainly from the higher authority organization , the township itself , village party branch , village committee and society .


  15. While the function of village Party branch should become holding political direction and handling the Party affairs not intervening in the concrete business of the villagers committee .


  16. Only when the village Party branch and village committee both relation are harmonious , new rural construction of socialism target and mission ability creating rural area social order realize ability .


  17. Village Party members who are not diverted from production should realize that one of the qualifications for becoming a model among the masses is to work well in increasing production .


  18. From an overall point , the village Party branch is the main aspect and he village committee is a secondary aspect in the " two committees " contradictions .


  19. At the same time , the purpose of this paper which studies the creation for opening the village party organization of Huaibei is draw from to suit local development mode of operation .


  20. In the process of carrying out villagers self governance , there is much law breakdown on dealing with the relationship between village Party branch and villager 's democratic right .


  21. In order to change this , the following measures must be taken : stressing study and education to enhance the comprehensive quality of the village Party branch and the council of the village ;


  22. It is no doubt that the village Party branch and the village committee are two important and fundamental organizations in China countryside and two major power organizations in the village political arena .


  23. In regard to in accordance with the law to engage in public service in the context , the author suggests to perfect the legislation will village Party branch personnel into the range of .


  24. With more and more attention being paid to villagers ' autonomy , the relationship between village Party branch and village committee is raising increasing concern and puzzlement for researchers from both theoretical and practical fields .


  25. The main subjects for organization and mobilization are village party branch , village committee , and village autonomy committee ( quasi-administrative organizations ), economic organizations , and social organizations , and the objects are villagers .


  26. In the latter half of the 1990s , the organization department of the CCP started reconstructing the village party organization and increased opportunities to hear the villagers ' opinions to improve the relationship between the CCP and people .


  27. Merging two organizations into one is a new system of the unity of the village Party branch and the village government , which was created in the course of implementing villager 's autonomy in the parts of China 's villages in recent years .


  28. ' This ambassador , he 's even less imposing than a village Party chief , 'Tongji University professor and culture critic Wang Shaoyu , wrote on his verified Weibo account . 'What is the meaning of this ? '


  29. As a grass-roots unit in the system of rural Party organizations , the cohesion and working capabilities of the village Party branch will affect the Party 's prestige and image in rural dwellers as well as the implementation of the Party 's policies and principles in the rural areas .


  30. Projecting Problems And Researching Countermeasures of Village 's Party Members In Lacking Developed Areas
