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  • abbr.超远程;超远距(Very Long Range);极小范围(Very Low Range);来访位置注册;访问位置登记(Visiting Location Registration)
  1. Mark Design The Fast Method in VLR Based on Edge Directions


  2. An Onboard VLR Database Management Method for LEO Satellite Systems


  3. An improved lifelong numbering approach in PCS networks based on HLR / VLR architecture


  4. Vehicle-Logo location is a very important step in Vehicle-Logo recognition ( VLR ) system .


  5. The VLR is used when a cellular telephone is not recognized by the local MSC .


  6. An improved method of feature extraction based on edge directions is proposed and applied in Vehicle Logo Recognition ( VLR ) .


  7. Also , an electronic auction system with multiple auction houses is proposed based on the improved VLR group signature scheme . 4 .


  8. And , when VLR and MSC ask for HLR data , there must be instant response .


  9. The paper describes mainly the structure and functions of the JPM-I MSC / VLR mobile switching center call handling system .


  10. Analytical formulae for the costs of HLR and VLR location updates are derived by resorting to complex analysis .


  11. Visitor Location Register ( VLR ) .


  12. In current wireless networks , PCS networks based on HLR / VLR gain great success which makes the approach to have real significant meaning .


  13. A new method for VLR user data processing , is put forward . A kind of object-oriented scheme is firstly employed to design VLR database based on main memory database .


  14. It seems that the fully automatic , season long and real time monitoring will be feasible with the development of the vertical-looking radar ( VLR ) .


  15. And two applications are introduced in this paper . They are IP resource management , and VLR Mobile user data auto backup . They both build on Memory Resident Database .


  16. Finally the user data backup mechanism has been detailed designed , and three kinds of recovery solutions to typical errors are discussed based on the analysis of problems existing in the VLR database .


  17. The fully distributed location management strategies , as well as their distributed database ( DDB ) architectures , are quite different from traditional location management strategy and its HLR VLR structure .


  18. The proposed algorithm fully uses corresponding information in Visited Location Register ( VLR ) to avoid long-distance signaling cost between GLR and Home Location Register ( HLR ) .


  19. The author tests the HLR , VLR and Prepaid service by many subscribers and system testing , which makes the mutual communication and roaming of different PHS networks come true .


  20. When a user moves about different VLRs far away from its HLR , the system asks for residual authentication data from old VLR or new authentication data from HLR to realize authentication management .


  21. With the continuous increase of subscribers ' number , an abundance of services and a variety of disaster recovery solutions being proposed , higher requirements on VLR capacity and real-time quality are put forward for communication system .


  22. The mobility databases ( HLR , VLR and SGSN ) of WCDMA stores the subscription and location information of subscriber . It plays a very important role in the WCDMA mobility network .


  23. To the vulnerability and possible attack , an amendment scheme of 3G authentication and key agreement protocol is presented , which achieve authentication of MS to VLR and secure transfer of message between VLR to HLR .


  24. VLR ( Vistor Location Register ) is a very important functional unit in mobile communication network system . The database used for VLR is required high capacity and high real-time quality . Commercial database is usually used in the actual product design .


  25. The existing location management strategies such as HLR / VLR have to update the HLR of mobile users frequently when they cross the boundary of a LA , therefore , system performance is reduced and system resource is over consumed .


  26. This paper presents an efficient mechanism to realize a well ordered management of user data tables , which can not only insure the efficient recovery operation from HLR / VLR data failure , but also greatly improve the management efficiency of system to users .


  27. The 3GPP authentication and key agreement has two security shortages . One is that it needs a strong secure channel assumption between the VLR and the HLR , and will easily suffer from the active attack after the adversary accesses the channel .
