Unemployed Insurance

美 [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd ɪnˈʃʊrəns]英 [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd ɪnˈʃʊərəns]
  • n.失业保险
Unemployed InsuranceUnemployed Insurance
  1. And explain get unemployed insurance pay what to procedure need ?


  2. Establish and perfect unemployed insurance system


  3. Unemployed insurance premium is mixed by the unit the individual is collective pay .


  4. Unemployed insurance and system of safeguard of townsman lowest life coordinate each other .


  5. Unemployed insurance gold cannot one-time extend , can extend by the month only .


  6. Below what circumstance can be the getting deadline of unemployed insurance gold lengthened ?


  7. The unemployed insurance premium of unit pay presses the formulary row of wealth tax section to raise .


  8. The society is sure to include : endowment insurance , unemployed insurance , medical treatment insurance , inductrial injury insurance , birth insurance .


  9. Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life .


  10. The unemployed insurance gold that unemployed personnel has not get that month can be gotten along with all the others by its family member .


  11. How to establish and perfect unemployed insurance system , it 's all of the country discuss the important topical , that 's carry the china economic reform crux problems .


  12. Moreover the system of the relevant Labor adjustment and aid system scattered in three systems : the employment policy , the income distribution system and the unemployed insurance of social security .


  13. Schism , amalgamative ( annex ) the unemployed insurance right that the unit after is enjoyed and assumes former unit and obligation .


  14. To the specific conduction procedures that unemployed insurance concern changes , can be sure to the society of former unit seat agency orgnaization seeks advice deal with .


  15. Have " unemployed insurance byelaw " the unemployed personnel of rated condition , gotten unemployed insurance gold , avoid grant to impose individual income tax .


  16. This kind of informatization of unemployed insurance fund management processes can greatly improve the efficiency of the business personnel receptionist ; simplify the wide rigamarole that played a convenient shortcut effect .


  17. Unemployed insurance gold , it is the basic living expenses of the unemployed personnel that shows orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency presses a regulation to pay to accord with a condition .


  18. Concern of insurance of unemployment of unemployed insurance personnel crosses those who save move , concern of insurance of unemployment of be accompanying of unemployed insurance expenses delimits accordingly turn .


  19. After business failure , cannot seasonable obtain employment , consult professional oneself without application again , if accord with the condition that enjoys unemployed insurance treatment , can enjoy unemployed insurance treatment lawfully .


  20. Unemployed insurance is one of the important social insurance system , which is not because I intend to , referring to provide the system that material helps for unemployed worker that suspends source of income temporarily .


  21. The country implements unemployed insurance system compulsively through legislation , by the society concentration establishs fund , provide the system that material helps to the because of unemployment worker that suspends source of income temporarily .


  22. Below market economy condition , as country and government , want hard to create all sorts of conditions on one hand , solve obtain employment problem stage by stage , is to should build system of perfect and unemployed insurance on the other hand .


  23. According to the state council " unemployed insurance byelaw " regulation , town is enterprise or business unit action makes a worker with farmer contract , ought to deal with unemployed insurance for its , pay unemployment insurance premium .


  24. Answer : already dealt with unemployed insurance to register the unit of formalities in orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency , should to seat cess Wu mechanism deals with pay unemployment insurance premium to register formalities .


  25. The limits collecting pay of unemployed insurance premium includes : private enterprise of company of state-owned company , investment of town cooperative , foreign trader , town and other town business reach its worker , the institution reachs its worker .


  26. According to the concerned regulation of country and province , unemployed insurance insurant is in provincial cross as a whole when unit of area shift work , be accompanying of unemployed insurance concern is transferred , but unemployed insurance fund is not transferred .


  27. In unemployed insurance premium collect a respect , like be being planted with other risk , collect by cess Wu mechanism , insurant individual answers the unemployed insurance premium of pay , withhold from inside its salary before imposing individual income tax by place unit .


  28. When the worker is dealing with account of individual of endowment insurance relation , endowment insurance to transfer , unemployed insurance concern is transferred together , turn a ground and the unemployed insurance capture that turn into the ground expend around of fixed number of year to incorporate .


  29. First of all , pointed out the two types of security policies for the unemployed , unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance .


  30. This paper analyzes the main problems of the current legal system of unemployment insurance in terms of suitable objects , insurance benefits and insurance funds , based on definition of unemployment , the unemployed and unemployment insurance .
