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  • abbr.【参见】UNKN
  1. Uterine NK cells ( uNK cells ) take part in the reproductive immunology .


  2. By using RT-PCR and sequencing , expression of UNK gene were analyzed in 65 gastric carcinoma specimens .


  3. Results : The high purity uNK and pNK cells were gotted .


  4. Although it is in such a small and quite town , UNK is still a university with enough vitality and variety of facilities .


  5. Objective : To study the recruit mechanism and biological significance of uterine natural killer cells ( uNK cells ) in feto-maternal interface .


  6. UNK cell numbers were reduced in the decidua basalis of diabetic females while interferon-production was elevated .


  7. Objective Studying uNK cells ( uterine natural killer cells ), decidual and trophoblast tissue gene expression for offering , a new research target in the pregnancy physiology and pregnancy pathology .


  8. Conclusion uNK cells function as one substantial regulative NK subset . They contribute to monitor the invasion of trophoblast cells and maintain vascular modification and immune tolerance at fetal-maternal interface .


  9. Objectives : To determine the distribution and quantity of uterine natural killer ( UNK ) cells in normal implantation sites of C57Bl / 6J mice at early-mid gestation stage .


  10. AIM : To study the biological characteristics of uterine natural killer cells ( uNK cells ) and peripheral natural killer cells ( pNK cells ) in early gestation and their difference on physiological functions .


  11. By use of the continuous conditions between adjoining sections , ge - neral formulas of internal forces and displacements are derived and the prob - lem finally becomes to solve a simultaneous linear equations with two unk - nowns .


  12. The expression level of transcript 2 is much lower than that of transcript 1 in UNK gene . However , no corresponding relations have been found between such variation and genomic DNA sequence . This phenomenon might be suggested by the disorder of splicing mechanism of cancer cells .
