Two-party System

美 [tuː ˈpɑːrti ˈsɪstəm]英 [tuː ˈpɑːti ˈsɪstəm]
  • 网络两党制
Two-party SystemTwo-party System
  1. A new centre party which will break the two-party system .


  2. What price the two-party system in the future ?


  3. The American political system is a classical example of the two-party system .


  4. The narrow two-party system we have right now has not served us very well .


  5. The two-party system is falling victim to social and economic upheaval .


  6. Thus in this period , the subject concerning two-party system and party competes becomes hot point .


  7. They organize the electorate very simply by maintaining the two-party system .


  8. How does it happen that the two-party system is so strongly rooted in American politics ?


  9. Many were eager fora shakeup in the two-party system .


  10. They ask for a two-party system as in the West , with one party in office and the other in opposition .


  11. It was the period of the establishment of the two-party system and the key period of economic and territorial expansion of the country .


  12. When we say that we have a two-party system in the United States we do not mean that we have only two parties .


  13. And it has an established two-party system that makes it harder for single-issue , anti-immigration parties to gain ground .


  14. The two-party system in America , which is different from those of the other Western countries , has some apparent features that have influenced its policy in history .


  15. We call it a two-party system because we have two large parties and a number of small parties , and the large parties are so large that we often forget about the rest .


  16. It can be foreseen that the environmental factors and main actors will stabilize . The pendulum oscillating between the multi-party and two-party system will come to a stop . The party system of ROK will become stabilized .


  17. Another consequence of the two-party system is that whereas minor parties are likely to identify themselves with special interests or special programs and thus take extreme positions , the major parties are so large that they tend to be moderate .


  18. For more than 20 years , a sort of two-party system has operated smoothly and the army has been marginalised as a political factor : alarmist talk during the past few weeks of a return of the tanks cannot be taken seriously .


  19. We find that the privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation problem can be transformed into a cooperative linear system of equations problem . Therefore , we present a secure and efficient two-party privacy-preserving cooperative linear system of equations protocol and analyze its security .
