
  • 网络三氯甲烷;氯仿
  1. Influence of Permanganate Pretreatment on the Formation of Trichloromethane in Drinking Water Treatment


  2. Results Both of the design methods adopted trichloromethane as the solvent , with the solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:7.5 and reflux time of 3 h with 3 repetitions for the highest yield of alkaloids .


  3. Results : The Dox was extracted from serum by trichloromethane - methanol ( 4 ∶ 1 ) .


  4. Serum free fatty acids were isolated with trichloromethane and esterified with boratotrifluoricether / methanol .


  5. Phase Equilibrium Sensitivity in Separation of Trichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane STUDY ON EXTRACTIVE DISTILLATION OF DIMETHYL CARBONATE FROM ITS AZEOTROPE WITH METHANOL USING OPTIMIZATION


  6. Theophylline and IS are extracted from serum using a mixture of trichloromethane : isopropanol ( 95 ∶ 5 , V / V ) .


  7. Through this method , it is verified that dichloroethane , trichloromethane , trichloroethylene , N , N-dimethylformamide have the ability to form DNA adducts .


  8. So , in this paper , experiments including single-species and multi-species ( ethyl acetate , normal hexane , butanone and trichloromethane ) VOCs were conducted to observe the behavior of adsorption onto activated carbon .


  9. A process of isolating taxol from the bark of Taxus Yunnanensis , which includes extracting the bark with 95 % ethanol , extracting the extract with trichloromethane , silica gel column chromatography , decolorizing with activated carbon and recrystallization , was magnified .


  10. As typical pollutants , dichloroethane , trichloromethane , trichloroethylene , N , N-Dimethylformamide and acetone were selected to react with the mimic system of Fe ~ ( 2 + ) / EDTA / H_2O_2 / hydrazine , and the reactive intermediates formed .
