Train travel

美 [treɪn ˈtrævl]英 [treɪn ˈtrævl]
  • 网络火车旅行
Train travelTrain travel
  1. Train travel is more expensive but it is faster than bus travel .


  2. This accident should not obscure the fact that train travel is extremely safe .


  3. Study on Neural Networks Based High Speed Train Travel Simulation System


  4. So is high speed train travel even possible in the U.


  5. Train travel simulation is the subsystem of high speed train dispatching system .


  6. Cab - signal is very important to the train travel .


  7. Open ports , two points off between train travel .


  8. Price and route structure remain drawbacks for train travel .


  9. Give information about train travel


  10. In Europe at least , international train travel is enjoying a renaissance .


  11. Yes , train travel is comfortable .


  12. Train travel challenges that .


  13. The Northeast corridor ? is the busiest section of the country for train travel .


  14. Meanwhile , train travel can involve a series of minor but very palpable frustrations .


  15. This card entitles you to half-price train travel .


  16. This is the train travel in China , the Chinese people are always happy active and Europeans are likely to complain about noisy reason .


  17. People in the course of taking train travel , In order to prevent missing the station , care the front destination situation of train very much .


  18. However , due to the problem in the shunting locomotive using process , railway transport economic benefit reduction still exists because of the prolonging of train travel .


  19. But some aspects of train travel do make the cost hard to swallow : travelling second-class on a train is not always more comfortable than flying economy .


  20. Ford recognised there would be days in a city such as London where a commuter would conclude train travel made most sense , Ms Connelly said .


  21. Beijing Railway has the original railway , every day through three pairs of conventional trains , a pair of train travel round-trip air-conditioned car in Beijing-brook sources .


  22. During the high-speed traveling , the welded framework of bogie is bearing strong vibration and impact loading . The anti-fatigue properties and its reliabilities of the framework will affect the safety of train travel .


  23. Ballast cleaning machine is an essential maintenance machinery of modern railway which performs track-laying , maintenance and the repair of the railway . Its working quality directly affects the quality of the railway and the safety of train travel .


  24. Less ability to put forward the concept of skylights , analyzed and vertical V-type skylight skylight set on the line capacity and speed of train travel , and the establishment of a skylight time on the line capacity of models .


  25. To develop German market further , should aim at German travel market demand , propagate Guilin all directionally , set up Guilin travel image , divide into market further carefully , strengthen international cooperation , train travel high grade talent with great efforts .


  26. In the search process , the upper bound and lower bound of the train travel time , as well as the alternative-graph-based branch-and-bound rules , are used to cut the branches dissatisfying the conditions to reduce the search time and ensure the real-time character of train scheduling .


  27. The train can travel up to 500 miles per day on a single tank of hydrogen , carrying 300 passengers at a time .


  28. It 's much cheaper and more fun travel by train than travel by airplane , that is why most people chose the first one .


  29. The Conception of Setting up Sport Tourism in Higher Vocational Colleges It also offers the plan to train sports travel professionals for 2008 Olympic Games .


  30. In spring and summer , the train will travel through a lush agricultural breadbasket , especially in the rice-growing areas of southern Hunan Province .
