To Kill a Mockingbird

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To Kill a MockingbirdTo Kill a Mockingbird
  1. Before I 'd finished reading it , she snitched my copy of To Kill a Mockingbird .


  2. Have you ever read To Kill a Mockingbird ?


  3. In To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee based Dill on her childhood friend , Truman Capote .


  4. A Moral Criticism on the Growing-up Theme in To Kill A Mockingbird


  5. But remember , it was a sin to kill a mockingbird .


  6. To Kill a Mockingbird is the only novel of the American Southern female writer Harper Lee .


  7. But the book read most often was " To Kill A Mockingbird " by Harper Lee .


  8. Her all-time favourite book is ' To Kill a Mockingbird ' by Harper Lee .


  9. 10 . To Kill a Mockingbird , Harper Lee


  10. On the Bi-Circular Structure in To Kill A Mockingbird


  11. Millions of high school students have read " To Kill a Mockingbird . " The novel by Harper Lee offers lessons about justice and respect .


  12. On Friday , the footballer posted on Facebook that the baby had been named after To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee .


  13. Lee To Kill a Mockingbird enhances the readability of the novel , giving their works a special artistic charm and making it handed down among the enduring masterpiece .


  14. But in Monroeville and around the country , fans of " To Kill a Mockingbird " are celebrating its fiftieth anniversary .


  15. It was at Ranney , after reading to kill a Mockingbird and inherit the wind , that bharara resolved to become a lawyer .


  16. It remained an open question , for many critics , whether " Go Set a Watchman " was anything more than the initial draft of " To Kill a Mockingbird . "


  17. Some people say " To Kill a Mockingbird " treats racism in a way that is , even offensive to blacks , and out of date in today 's America .


  18. Harper Lee , the contemporary American writer , is noticeable for her great novel To Kill a Mockingbird which has been welcomed and loved by readers since its publication .


  19. Some people say " To Kill a Mockingbird " treats racism in a way that is simplistic , even offensive to blacks , and out of date in today 's America .


  20. For 55 years , Harper Lee had been one of the best-known literary one hit wonders : she won the Pulitzer prize for her only published novel , To Kill a Mockingbird .


  21. But now the 88-year-old has revealed that she will publish a second novel this summer , which she technically wrote before To Kill a Mockingbird and which even inspired her only book to date .


  22. Classic works of fiction also made up the top 10 , including George Orwell 's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four , which came in fifth place and Harper Lee 's classic To Kill A Mockingbird at number seven .


  23. By the late 1970s " To Kill a Mockingbird " had sold nearly 10 million copies , and in 1988 the National Council of Teachers of English reported that it was being taught in 74 percent of the nation 's secondary schools .


  24. The instant success of " To Kill a Mockingbird , " which was published in 1960 and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction the next year , turned Lee into a literary celebrity , a role she found oppressive and never learned to accept .


  25. She made a repeat appearance as Ann Finchburg , nicknamed Jumbo , in his story " The Thanksgiving Visitor . " Lee returned the favor , casting Capote in the role of the little blond tale-spinner Dill in " To Kill a Mockingbird . "


  26. Harper Lee , whose first novel , " To Kill a Mockingbird , " about racial injustice in a small Alabama town , sold more than 10 million copies and became one of the most beloved and most taught works of fiction ever written by an American , has died .


  27. ATTICUS FINCH : " I remember when my daddy first gave me that gun , he told me that I should never point at anything in the house , and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted , if I could hit them . But remember , it was a to kill a mockingbird . "


  28. But in " Go Set a Watchman , " " the sequel to " To Kill a Mockingbird , " " published in July , Atticus was given a scandalous status update : He had been aged into a racist .


  29. But they argue that it is unrealistic to expect all children to read " To Kill a Mockingbird " or " Pride and Prejudice " for fun .
