The northeast monsoon

The northeast monsoonThe northeast monsoon
  1. Interaction between the northeast monsoon and ocean circulation in South China Sea


  2. During the northeast monsoon period , the cyclonic gyre decays to move northward , and the anticyclonic gyre occupies the southern sea area ;


  3. The statistical analysis of climatological data concerning the strong northeast monsoon caused by cold air during the decade from 1988 to 1997 along the coast of Guangdong province reveals that the monthly change of the northeast monsoon is clear , and its interannual change is reducing .


  4. The tropical convection that related to the genesis of a TC is triggered by the northeast monsoon flow a pentad before the tropical cyclone occurs .


  5. It is mainly wind driven current in the southern SCS , the water from alongshore of western Guangdong is driven by the northeast monsoon and then flows southward along the western boundary shorelines of the SCS , thus a rather strong western boundary current is formed ;


  6. The causing of red tide related closely in the change of the season , the red tides mostly happen during March and May in coastal Guangdong sea , it was the change from northeast monsoon to southwest monsoon ;


  7. The results showed that in winter the mean sea temperature within the depth of thermocline was low in the northwestern waters of Nansha Islands sea area and rised slowly southeastward , which seems to be driven by the northeast monsoon .


  8. In spring , the Zhujiang River diluted water locates mainly between the coastal and 40 meters isobath , and diffuses to west , with reason , that , during the spring the Zhujiang River is in its low water season and the northeast monsoon is still intense .
