The first philosophy

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  • 网络第一哲学
The first philosophyThe first philosophy
  1. Philosophy of Praxis as the First Philosophy and Its Praxis Definition


  2. Ontology was once called " the first philosophy " . It contained deep humane concern .


  3. The first philosophy that was established by Marx is the economy philosophy .


  4. Therefore , philosophy of praxis as the first philosophy can not return to Aristotle , but must goes beyond him .


  5. Thus in Levinas 's thoughts , ethics has become the first philosophy rather than a subordinate philosophy founded on the ontology .


  6. He is the first Chinese philosophy in history who takes " justice " as a category .


  7. To be sure , Eco wasn 't the first serious philosophy scholar to knock out a mystery .


  8. It also contests the claim that first philosophy is prior to natural science .


  9. The first is abstract philosophy of freedom , i.e. , doctoral dissertation stage .


  10. The first is the philosophy basis of mainstream psychology & positivism and mechanistic .


  11. In the " people first " philosophy and political theory continue to think Ideological Examination Reform of great significance .


  12. For the first time , the philosophy department has just switched over to the online discussion section registration system .


  13. Is the first time in the philosophy , Kant proved the contradiction between human freedom and the time and space .


  14. Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization


  15. Third , to establish transcendental pragmatics and make it the third paradigm of the first philosophy , in order to design a blueprint for western philosophy to extricate itself from a difficult position .


  16. Five , the comprehensive follow the " human first " philosophy , and respect the person 's freedom of choice .


  17. In order to establish the status of philosophy of praxis as the first philosophy , we have to determine " praxis " philosophically .


  18. On the Dissemination of Information in the " People First " Philosophy of Aesthetic Refraction


  19. Establishing the " Student-oriented , Moral Education for the First " Education Philosophy and Building a Harmonious Campus


  20. In the West " Know thyself " is the first injunction of philosophy .


  21. Through the method of suspicion , he founded the first principle of his philosophy I think , therefore I am , and built up his own philosophy system .


  22. Firstly , through concrete analysis of Sophia , cause and the first cause , we will come to the conclusion that first philosophy can be defined as universal and individual , either of which is actually teleology .


  23. Philosophy of mind is one of the focuses western philosophers concerned , John Searle calls it " the first philosophy " .


  24. Establish and improve the criminal settlement system to express social tolerance , reflecting the humanitarian thinking , reflecting the " people first " philosophy .


  25. In traditional western philosophy , the problem of Being is always regarded as being primary and fundamental , and therefore ontology is also regarded as the first philosophy .


  26. On the contrary , Levinas stresses the absoluteness of the Other , and regards the ethics , which relates to the Other , as first philosophy prior to ontology .


  27. Firstly , what is his theoretical contribution on his solution to the contradiction between " requirements of the universal knowledge " and " the infinite regression of justifying the authenticity of the first principle of philosophy " .


  28. It focuses on the following three aspects . First , the scientific revolution in the 17th century constituted an immediate background for the rise of epistemology as the first philosophy in modern times .
