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  • 网络指数;传输层接口;运输层接口;传输层界面;全淋巴照射
  1. TLI method is used to estimate Tanghe reservoir 's eutrophication level , and it indicates that the level of Tanghe reservior 's eutrophication is light .


  2. TLI provides two modes of service for application and development : connection mode and connectionless mode .


  3. Developing Connectionless - Mode Service Using TLI


  4. Simulation test has proved that the design method of new TLI . is feasible , it is a betterment to conventional logging instrument .


  5. The Peer-to-Peer ( P2P ) network traffic identification technology includes Transport Layer Identification ( TLI ) and Deep Packet Inspection ( DPI ) methods .


  6. TLI Is a programming interface to the transport layer of ISO-OSI model , it supports the transfer of data between two user processes in network .


  7. Geometric mean of TLI in ER positive tumors was 1.0 % , in ER negative 3.2 % ( P < 0.005 ) .


  8. After that , an experience inversion model for TLI had been built through multivariate regression using the mean grey values of each band as independent variables .


  9. By analyzing packets of the transport layer and the traffic characteristic in the P2P system , TLI can identify whether or not the network data flow belongs to the P2P system .


  10. 22 patients in group 1 received mitoxantrone 30 mg / m ~ 2 , CTX and Vp-16 plus total lymph nodes irradiation ( TLI ) .


  11. Telemetry logging instrument ( TLI ) serves important function in computerized production logging system . It is used to uplink measure data of downhole such as temperature , pressure to surface instructions .


  12. Thinking the traditional telemetry tools ' many barriers , great power waste on tool bus and inability to connect to the quart pressure transducer , a new kind of TLI have been developed in this paper .


  13. Objective To study the chimerism formation in kidney transplantation recipient receiving peripheral blood stem cells ( PBSCs ) of the donor after the patient received preoperative total lymphoid irradiation ( TLI ) .


  14. Among the 49 cases , 28 cases were ER positive , 21 negative . Geometric mean of TLI in ER positive tumors was 1.0 % . in ER negative 3.2 % ( P ≤ 0.05 ) .
