Superstring Theory

美 [ˌsupərˈstrɪŋ ˈθiːəri]英 [ˌs(j)uːpəˈstrɪŋ ˈθɪəri]
  • 网络超弦理论;超弦论
Superstring TheorySuperstring Theory
  1. So far , only superstring theory can solve this key problem .


  2. Wave function of the universe in the superstring theory


  3. Based on the superstring theory , this article specifically introduces gravitational nature and mechanism of action .


  4. Past and present of superstring theory


  5. Unification , supersymmetry , superstring theory and theory of everything


  6. Although superstring theory is still in a state of rapid development , the essence of the theory is now well established .


  7. However , superstring theory is not sufficient in experiments so that we have to base on quantum description .


  8. The superstring theory and the unity , divisibility of matter


  9. On the other hand , the explanation accords with the recent idea that there may exist large extra dimensions in superstring theory .


  10. The Outline of Superstring Theory


  11. THE noncommutative geometry is developed by A. Connes in mathematics and introduced into superstring theory by E.


  12. However , since the stakes are so high , that hasn 't stopped teams of enterprising physicists from trying to solve superstring theory .


  13. Research on definitions of the normal pulse , the sliding pulse and the choral pulse and the pulse graph recognition in the traditional Chinese medicine superstring theory


  14. Glashow is a notable skeptic of superstring theory due to its lack of experimentally testable predictions .


  15. Using the heavy quark antiquark potential which emerges from an effective dilaton gluon coupling inspired by the superstring theory , we study the energy levels of heavy quark antiquark systems .


  16. The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string .


  17. Superstring theory springing up in recent years is still the only known self-consistent theory which can quantize the gravity and unify the gravity , the electromagnetic interaction , the weak interaction and the strong interaction .


  18. Owing to the complication forms , the constructing of eigen-operators have to be determined basing on particular of the Hamiltonians . 4 . Recently physicists working on superstring theory paid much attention to the quantum mechanics on non-commutative spaces ( NCQM ) .


  19. A Brief Introduction to Superstring and M Theory
