Sub-band Coding

美 [sʌb bænd ˈkoʊdɪŋ]英 [sʌb bænd ˈkəʊdɪŋ]
  • 网络子带编码;次频带编码
Sub-band CodingSub-band Coding
  1. Algorithms of digital audio hiding based on sub-band coding


  2. Implement 10.4kbt/s Wideband Speech Code Based on the Theory of Sub-band Coding


  3. Wavelet transform coding technique is a fine breakthrough of traditional Sub-band coding .


  4. The mathematical foundation of the sub-band coding approach is the wavelet packet of the wavelet analysis .


  5. Sub-band coding is a means to accomplish bandwidth compression of HDTV signals .


  6. The other question is that as to the harmonic wavelet which kind of the wavelets can be the sub-band coding approach to be used .


  7. The proposed method compresses images based on sub-band coding , and then exacts compressed images features such as color , texture and shape .


  8. The system consists of time-domain harmonic scaling ( TDHS ) and sub-band coding ( SBC ) - two different speech compression algorithm .


  9. Wavelet is an unified processing framework for various signals processing method , such as muti-scale analysis , time-frequency analysis and sub-band coding . The useful information can be extracted by wavelet transform .


  10. Secondly , took first order autoregression process as an input image model , and using two-channel 7 / 5-tap wavelet filter bank which satisfied the perfect reconstruct condition to implement sub-band coding , and calculate the maximum values of the coding gain and corresponding free lifting parameter α values .


  11. 729 standard and the principle of Mixed Excitation Line Prediction ( MELP ) coding decoding are completely and systemic introduced . The theory of sub-band coding is researched , basing on the theory of sub-band coding , so 14.4kbit/s and 10.4kbit/s wideband speech coding can be simulated to realization .
