
  • 网络豆甾醇;谷甾醇
  1. A Study on Technology of Extracting and Purification of Stigmasterol


  2. HPLC Analysis of Stigmasterol and β - Sitosterol in Phytosterols


  3. Separation and Purification of Stigmasterol and β - Sitosterol from Phytosterol by the Crystallization Method


  4. Nine compounds structure were identified , stigmasterol ,β - sterol , azelaic acid were also obtained from this genus the first time .


  5. The results showed that they both are containing stigmasterol ,β - sitosterol , and small quantities of campesterol .


  6. Stigmasterol acetate , β - sitosterol acetate and mixed phytosterol acetates were analyzed by HPLC .


  7. And the Compounds of stigmasterol , ethyl gallate and butanedioic acid were obtained from this plant first time among these componds .


  8. The products were identified to be brassicasterol and stigmasterol respectively based on their chromatographic and spectral properties as well as by comparison with the authentic samples .


  9. Various factors affecting rebinding of cholesterol are discussed along with recognition specificity studies on its analogues of stigmasterol and ergosterol through estimation of UV-Vis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy .


  10. The phytosterol content in the purified sample was 85 % , including 42.3 % Betasitosterol 、 18.1 % stigmasterol 、 24.5 % campesterol .


  11. Results : The contents of stigmasterol were much the same in three kinds of package , but the contents of microbe and water in polyethylene package increased more rapidly than those in vacuum package and paper-plastic package .


  12. The results show that the esterification is carried out completely under the experimental condition and the relationship between the ratio of the feature peak area of IR spectra and the ratio of the contents of stigmasterol acetate and β sitosterol acetate is linear .


  13. The experimental results show that the content of b-sitosterol is more than 87 % after the third fractional crystallization in cyclohexanone and the content of stigmasterol is more than 92 % after the fifth crystallization in n-pentanol or cyclohexanone .


  14. Results : From the petrol-ether fraction of the EtOH extract of Semen Celosiae , 3 compounds were isolated and identified as β - si-tosterol ( 1 ), palmitic acid ( 2 ) and stigmasterol ( 3 ) .


  15. Phytosterols , including J3-sitosterol , stigmasterol , campesterol and brassicasterol mainly , were obtained commonly from by-product of refining vegetable oil . Phytosterols have been use as a novel functional food ingredient with plasma cholesterol lowering activity which works by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol .
