Step Polymerization

美 [step ˌpɑːlimərəˈzeɪʃn]英 [step ˌpɒliməraɪˈzeɪʃn]
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Step PolymerizationStep Polymerization
  1. Further Discussion on Two - Step Polymerization


  2. A new CAD software for caprolactam polymerization was reported . Its reliability was verified by the results from plants with single VK tube polymerization or two step polymerization .


  3. The studied effects about the foaming control rheology by using monomer group . divide step polymerization and additive order , decide on three step polymerization technology in order ol MMA-St , MMA - Mz . and St-AN .


  4. The whole process of the polymerization included nucleophilic addition , proton transfer and step reaction polymerization .


  5. Aromatic polyureas were synthesized from 4,4 ′ - diphenylmethane diisocyanate and m-phenylene diamine by two step solution polymerization .


  6. Second , using the traditional step of polymerization , is difficult to prepare a large size latex particles , leading to its toughening effect of the alloy is not very satisfactory .


  7. It is made up of such eight modules as an introduction , radical polymerization , radical co-polymerization , ionic polymerization , coordination polymerization , the preparation method of chain polymerization , step reaction polymerization and chemical reaction of polymers .


  8. It is the reverse of the propagation step in addition polymerization .


  9. A kind of rigid polymer microsphere with core shell structure was synthesized by multi step composite emulsion polymerization technique .


  10. Research on the Interlinkage Mechanism among the Stages in the Athlete s Overall Perennial Training Process ; It is the reverse of the propagation step in addition polymerization .


  11. The conditions in the second step of seed polymerization were : emulsifier / seed latex less than l0.2 % , seed latex / monomer less than 5 % , polymerization temperature 60 ~ 70 ℃, and polymerization time 3 ~ 5h .


  12. The relationship between Guan distribution and Poisson distribution of molecular weight of polymers has been given by moment analysis , which is the first step for inferring the polymerization mechanism from molecular weight distribution of addition polymer .


  13. Unmodified titania is too hydrophilic to stabilize initial droplets , which induces homogeneous nucleation and the formation of solid spheres . The stabilization effect of titania works step by step during polymerization .


  14. METHODS The albendazole polybutycyanocrylate nanoparticles ( ABZ PBCA NP ) were prepared with one step , two step and three step emulsification polymerization respectively .
