Star Jones

美 [stɑːr dʒoʊnz]英 [stɑː(r) dʒəunz]
  • 网络斯坦·琼斯
Star JonesStar Jones
  1. But sometimes there are really great transformations , for example Star Jones , an American lawyer .


  2. During the gala 's live auction , led by Star Jones , Blue raised her paddle and bid $ 17000 on an acrylic painting of a young Sidney Poitier .


  3. BBC drama Doctor Foster collected two awards - best new drama and best drama performance for its star Suranne Jones .


  4. Track and Field Star Marion Jones admits to , her five Olympic medals from the2000 Sydney Games .


  5. When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question " how would adventure star Indiana Jones handle this ?"


  6. When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question " how would adventure star Indiana Jones handle this ? " I don 't have an attitude problem . you have a perception problem .


  7. Their solution : hire a washed-up western star ( Jones ) , encourage him to do his own dangerous stunts in a cowboy movie , and collect the insurance cheque if , and when , he is killed .


  8. He said the 72-year-old star of the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films was very lucky to be alive .


  9. Harrison Ford , of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame , majored in philosophy at Ripon College , but dropped out shortly before graduation .
