Special plan

美 [ˈspeʃl plæn]英 [ˈspeʃl plæn]
  • 网络特别计划;专项计划
Special planSpecial plan
  1. United Nations Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America


  2. They suggested to us a special plan .


  3. Main Compiling Points of Special Plan of Municipal Water Supply and Drainage


  4. Steering Committee of the Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America


  5. On the Effect and Role Judgement of the Special Plan of Urban Renewal


  6. Discussion on Mapping out the Special Plan of Assembling Tower Crane


  7. Any special plan of attack because it was a brand-new court ?


  8. Analysis on the Special Plan of Rebuilding the Villages Inside the City of Taiyuan


  9. Coordinator of the United Nations system for the special plan of economic assistance to Central America


  10. Summed up the experiences of emergency shelters special plan .


  11. He often has a special plan or answer to a problem that he can use if he needs it .


  12. You can see that God has a special plan for them even though they may be going through a difficult time .


  13. Sunshine enjoyment plan – this is a special plan aiming at guests checked in .


  14. Based on the relative researches for many years , the national 863 program carried out the digital agriculture special plan in 2003 .


  15. From the preparation process of " special plan of Nanjing city lighting ", this paper explores the scientific method of urban lighting planning .


  16. Support to governmental institutions in charge of the execution of the special plan in the management of international cooperation in central america ;


  17. Special Plan for the province included in the state there are 124 large and medium reservoirs and 510 small focus of a reservoir .


  18. As an important part of the planning of Wetland Park , the special plan for vegetation does not have a scientific method to follow .


  19. At the same time , the special plan for the technology sector from the point of view , the lack of overall co-ordination space .


  20. Emergency shelters Special plan are the design stage of emergency shelters , this phase of work is important to its construction in the near future .


  21. Along with the " 11th Five-Year Plan " special plan for energy saving released , high-pollution , high-energy-consumption industries must be reformed .


  22. And taking the ecological garden city green space special plan as the example , analyzed the ecology construction method of the city green space using the ecology and the landscape ecology .


  23. In fact , If you want to go to Greece , do not need any reason , also no any special plan , Only the blue sky and sea are enough .


  24. When emergency shelters special plan are completed , we establish an outcome evaluation system , using expert scoring method to make a comprehensive evaluation of planning results which are objective and scientific .


  25. The Swiss bank said the so-called special plan awards , which were disclosed in annual results yesterday and are to   be awarded this year , would have strict forfeiture conditions .


  26. Content characteristics of the master plan study discussion , the emphasis from " urban nature , urban-scale rationally determined ," " special plan for urban waterfront " and " long term and recent plan " to study concluded ;


  27. Connecting with a real example of engineering programme , this paper expounds the main compiling points of the special plan of municipal water supply and drainage , and makes certain exploration of the method and depth of its compiling .


  28. First of all , explains the background of the project , purposes of emergency shelters special plan ; and then literature review the status quo research of project management , planning project management , and emergency shelters special plan .


  29. According to the relevant regulations of Ministry of Finance , Land resource survey project , which is the national special plan project arranged by central budgetary , belongs to the object of project performance examination and appraisal of central economic development department .


  30. As " the special plan " continuous implementation , rural sports , the school sports education teachers for the real implementation and the facilitator , rural sports , the improvement of teachers ' team and construction as the key to the school sports development .
