Space scale
- 网络空间尺度;空间比例

Ocean Information Extraction Based on Space Scale Theory
Active Search and Detection of Public Information Sign Based on Prior Space Scale Information
The study on the space scale and economic returns of the Chinese Urban Development Zone
Multi-level structure of ETA and space scale effect of soil erosion
In these problems , the great change of the street space scale is regarded as the primary one .
The artificial water system formed an appropriate space scale and texture skin and created a multi-layer landscape .
A Research into the Space Scale of Living Room and Bedroom of Small and Medium-sized Dwelling Units
There exists one-to-one relationship between the sequence structure element 's size and the space scale of geography entity .
The third , resolving the vertical space scale , the vertical space effect , the vertical space expressive force .
The Forest dynamic changes have two distinct characters : long time scale and large space scale , which make forestry research more difficult .
It enlarges the space scale of virtual vector to decrease the division of small sectors , thus simplifying the calculation .
By analyzing Ming Style Drawing Table and Chair with Backrest in detail , study space scale , distribution and division relation .
Space scale of ecological security can be divided into several scale , such as global ecosystem , regional ecosystem and microcosmic ecosystem .
Analysis on the Fluctuation of Grain Output in Hebei Province and Its Causes at Multi-time and Space Scale Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
We think it is related to the fluctuations of the plasma density and the magnetic field of the source region in a small space scale .
And above all , research results provide an objective and scientific basis for regional ecological compensation , and can be used for different space scale regional ecological compensation .
By the acceleration of micro-behavior in time and space scale , urban land use layout in a big scale comes into being at last .
The space scale of this nonlinear force which is called as binding force is determined by the imaginary part of the perturbed wave vector .
The multi-level structure of erosion , transportation and accumulation in a slope system and its space scale effect are very important for the soil erosion quantity evaluation .
Nicknamed " Micius , " the satellite , Quantum Experiments at Space Scale ( QUESS ) , was launched in China in August .
With the summary on the practice , this article points out that excessive stiffness and distortion of space scale exist in today 's architecture of administration buildings .
It shows short lifecycle and large space scale vortex and the turbulent spectrum shows isotropy and the slope is - 5 / 3 in inertial area .
Aircraft wake vortices are the particular hydrodynamics properties when it flying . It have intensity , stabilization , standing a long time and space scale large properties .
Combining theory and practise , it researched the causation of city and country development with different space scale , and studied the corresponding techno-ways about eco-planning .
The thyroidal basis of the research methods about EWR directs the reasonable ascertainments of the time scale , space scale and protected projects in research .
This paper quantitatively analyzes the infinite population dynamics system of the gene pool GA and discusses the influence of the solution space scale on the stability of the gene pool GA.
The two modes of hi-tech industry development , the endogenesis and expansion , have their differences in the aspects of locational factors , location choice , space scale , and functional layout .
The first part expounds the concept of scale and details the general concept of street space scale on the basis of analyzing the structure of street space , which establishes a base for the following studies .
With the rapid expansion of the city economic output , the population capacity and space scale , to realize the great-leap-forward urban development and ascend , accelerating UV reconstruction has become government agenda inevitably .
So this thesis try to analyze the street space scale of a typical town and by this analysis try to put forward some possible suggestions for the construction of the public space of small towns in our country .