Social results

美 [ˈsoʊʃl rɪˈzʌlts]英 [ˈsəʊʃl rɪˈzʌlts]
  • 网络社会效益;社会结果
Social resultsSocial results
  1. How to change the traditional model of building-operating-management , leading into market mechanism to improve economic results and social results is critical .


  2. The fast propagation technology by sugarcane lateral bud liquid culture has opened a new way for sugarcane breeding and has shown better economic and social results .


  3. The Social Results and Economic Benefits of the Production of Art Works


  4. By mathematical method the optimization of the impact of safety investment on varieties of social results could be obtained .


  5. It also analyzed the technique property , economical and social results of cold recycled mixture of asphalt pavement .


  6. Focusing on the shortages of weak theory base and social results , the paper puts forward rational suggestions to summary procedure action system .


  7. In recent years , it has been also used in some substantial parts of long span structures and brought good economic benefit and social results .


  8. It shows that the construction of the teaching and researching site is beneficial to the improvement of teaching quality and academic level of teaching staff and will bring better social results .


  9. The ethical responsibility of scientists is that the scientists should pay more attention to the social results of science , with bringing benefits to the human being as the supreme aim .


  10. The role of administrative guidance of the soft law is reflected in the requirements of public governance model and its application in administrative law enforcement to achieve in the process of economic and social results .


  11. The paper also analyzed production , storage and construction technology , and contrasted the economic and social results of Cold Patch Asphalt Mixture with hot-mix mixture in initial cost and later stage cost .


  12. The Seismological Office of Longhai County , Fujian Province has devoted much atten - tion to the popularization of elementary knowledge of seismology for many years and has obtained good social results .


  13. The following social results were serious . The Temple of Memories ( Jing Jun 1996 ) reports the research on how Yan Guo Xia hydropower station has hurt the migrants mentally .


  14. The market rules of socialism market economy should belong in the levels of proper morals for its consistence with socialism market economy and its joining with ultimate moral aim , while having good social results and serviceability .


  15. By this way , it is possible to cut off the T-acid segregation , reduce the wastes , lower material cost , improve the yield and quality of H-acid and obtain a considerable economic and social results .


  16. The new system has achieved encouraging economic , ecological and social results , and from this year the midsummer moratorium area will be expanded to 26 degrees north latitude and its duration will be lengthened to three months .


  17. People can be improved by groups to change social activities results .


  18. Social Studies results form the development of citizenship education .


  19. Specific social atmosphere results in specific features of social psychology .


  20. The social capital results in the opportunity inequality of individual survival and development .


  21. Primary source of social harm results from a breach of confidentiality .


  22. The differences of the rural workers'manpower capital and social capital results in their salary inequality .


  23. Having little practice with social skills results in clumsy and awkward conversation .


  24. In his view , never had existed a universal method with which social study results could be easily obtained .


  25. By examining the origin and evolution of modern citizenship education , it shows that Social Studies results form the development of citizenship education .


  26. According to years of social survey results , the problem of " education , medical treatment , and housing " is always in the top three .


  27. Using it in oil pipeline a significant role can be made such as transportation increasing , energy saving and decreasing consuming and improving economic and social beneficial results .


  28. In fact , the adaptation in social deixis results from the cooperation of the variability and negotiability of social deictics .


  29. Based on the perspective of strategy , the fulfillment of the corporate social responsibility results in the competition predominance , which also promote the benefit of the stakeholders .


  30. So the new material can replace silver-based contact materials in many applications , e.g in electric locomotive 's , which has a great economic and social beneficial results .
