Sierra Nevada Mountains
- 网络内华达山脉;内华达山

No area was spared or unaffected , from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles .
State Drought Manager Bill Croyle says the situation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is even worse .
Over the last 4 million years , the Sierra Nevada mountains climb more than 2 miles high .
Another strangely beautiful early morning shot of the tufa formations , with the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .
A ground dweller that prefers open ground and scattered low bushes ; of United States west between Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains .
Weathered scales encase the trunk of a foxtail pine in California 's Sierra Nevada Mountains .
Small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains .
This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains .
A city in western Nevada at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains ; known for gambling casinos and easy divorce and remarriage .
This stunning shot shows the towers'reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .
What they 're best known for , though , is the question of whether they engaged in cannibalism for survival while trapped in the snowy Sierra Nevada mountains .
This stunning shot shows the towers ' reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .
Because MTBE is highly water-soluble , it dissolves in water , leading to higher concentrations of MTBE in many lakes in the California Sierra Nevada mountains and in many groundwater supplies .
AN ODDITY has hidden for nearly a century in a dusty bowl just east of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California . Deep Springs is a two-year college and , also , a cattle-and-alfalfa ranch .
A year earlier in the Sierra Nevada Mountains , a carpenter had discovered gold - great big nuggets of it - in the South Fork of the American River as he was building a sawmill for John Sutter .
The eccentric director spent over two years working on the bloated film , which primarily took so long to film because he eschewed Hollywood studios in favor of real locations ranging from the Sierra Nevada mountains to Death Valley.The result was a film nearly eight hours long .
It 's on track to reach the Dominican Republic and Haiti tomorrow , and possibly Florida later in the week . In California , some 6000 firefighters worked today to keep the state 's largest wildfire away from more than a dozen small communities in the northern Sierra Nevada Mountains .
It takes in the multicultural city of Bogot á , before heading north to the Caribbean coast and then plunging into the jungles of the Sierra Nevada mountains for a challenging five-day hike to the lost city of Teyuna , the last stage being a climb up 1200 stone steps .
These areas include the Alps in Italy and Switzerland , the coastal mountains of western Canada , and the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains in the United States .