Riemann Sum

  • 网络黎曼和
Riemann SumRiemann Sum
  1. Made Use of Riemann Sum to Calculate the Volume


  2. It is very convenient to calculate the object volume to use Riemann sum after obtained the object surface region equation .


  3. After reviewing the application and convergence research of MCMC , the estimate of high dimension integral is given using Riemann Sum method .


  4. In the process of gravity method defuzzification , Riemann sum or numerical integration formulas are often used to approximate the value of the definite integral .


  5. A Criterion of Lebesgue Integrable Function With Riemann 's Sum


  6. A variable real functional Lebesgue integrable criterion was given with Riemann 's sum in the present .


  7. It is difficult for learner to understand the concept of Riemann integral which is defined by using the limit of Riemann sum .


  8. Notes on Relations Between Generalized Riemann Integrability and Lebesgue Integrability A criterion for Lebesgue integrability in terms of Riemann sum
