Riddle of Sphinx

美 [ˈrɪdl əv sfɪŋks]英 [ˈrɪdl ɒv sfɪŋks]
  • 网络斯芬克斯之谜
Riddle of SphinxRiddle of Sphinx
  1. The Riddle of Sphinx in the Forecast of City Size : An Explanation of Economy


  2. Maybe this theory can explain the riddle of Sphinx from the philosophical point of view , to really make out human being , their development and the essential of the under-development regions exploitation .


  3. Although we have got the answer of the riddle of Sphinx , it is an eternal impulsion that we answer and explore the question of " who human being is " .


  4. It 's as vexing as the riddle of the Sphinx .


  5. It explains the freedom issue " riddle of the Sphinx " in the philosophy history - human in the natural disposition is free truly , free is human 's existence way , free is the human " a kind of life " realization and development .


  6. it was because of his extravagant wisdom which succeeded in solving the riddle of the Sphinx that Oedipus had to be cast into a whirlpool of crime : in this fashion does the Delphic god interpret the Greek past .
