Recurrent parent

美 [rɪˈkɜːrənt ˈperənt]英 [rɪˈkʌrənt ˈpeərənt]
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Recurrent parentRecurrent parent
  1. Using the big grain variety for backcross , the grain weight of B_3F_1 can be recovered to the same level as this recurrent parent .


  2. The zymogram of POD and EST of BC1were affected obviously by recurrent parent H.brevisubulaturn .


  3. We found that the growth stage and important agronomic traits among most CSSLs seemed consistent with the recurrent parent in field experiment . 2 .


  4. The main economic traits of the recurrent parent could be basically recovered in BCz or BC1F1 ( BC2F1 ) generations .


  5. Improved CMS line of Zao 49 was similar to its recurrent parent in economic traits with backcross generation , but it has severe selfed depression .


  6. It was suggested that the effect of anther culture with B_1F_1 or B_2F_1 ( Japonica rice as the recurrent parent ) was better in Japonica rice breeding by the hybridization between Indica and Japonica rice .


  7. On the other hand , in order to derive novel disease-resistant restorer lines , we use marker assisted selection to improve resistance property of smart materials and select materials both having genetic background consistent with recurrent parent and display disease-resistance in identification of disease-resistant experiment .
