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  1. Preparation of Vero Cell-Adapted Influenza H1N1 Virus Strain by Reassortment


  2. Flu viruses mutate constantly , which is why the flu vaccine is changed every year , and they can swap DNA in a process called reassortment .


  3. The study of the virulence of genetic reassortment viruses of Hantaviruses


  4. The Study of Genetic Reassortment Among Hantaviruses


  5. Each additional human case increases opportunities for the virus to improve its transmissibility , through either adaptive mutation or reassortment .


  6. Neuraminidase gene reassortment of low pathogenic avian influenza viruse N2 subtype among domestic ducks in Eastern China


  7. Surveillance issues related to increasing the number and timeliness of representative viruses for vaccine virus selection and candidate vaccine virus reassortment ;


  8. They found that A ( H1N1 ) had a biological advantage over the seasonal strains but there was no evidence of reassortment .


  9. Sequencing of all eight gene segments found no evidence of genetic reassortment with human or pig influenza viruses and no evidence of significant mutations .


  10. Research on Gene Reassortment and Pathogenicity of Partly Reassortant Progeny Viruses of Reovirus ( Muscovy Duck ) Different Isolates


  11. Pandemic viruses are generated by the rearrangement ( reassortment ) of viral RNA segments in cells infected with two different strains of IAV .


  12. A top Chinese biology lab has ascribed the H7N9 avian influenza to genetic reassortment of wild birds from east Asia and chickens from east China .


  13. At that point there are not just eight , but16 viral segments on assembly lines , and the genes start shuffling together in a process called reassortment .


  14. Genotyping of the PCR-amplified isolate from the confirmed case shows high homogeneity with other H5N1 isolates from poultry in Java , and no evidence of reassortment .


  15. Segregation of quails from other types of birds at all levels of production was implemented to reduce the risk of reassortment between H5 influenza viruses and viruses carried by quails .


  16. The mutation or reassortment of the swine flu influenza A ( H1N1 ) virus into a more lethal form is most likely to occur in tropical countries , researchers have warned .


  17. Leading Chinese researchers say they 've been able to determine the new H7N9 strain of avian influenza is a genetic mutation caused by a reassortment of genome markers coming from wild birds and chickens in east China .


  18. Finally , we propose a model of the origin of the third dsRNA of tri-partite partitivirus with respect to the co-infecting reassortment view , which reveals a novel evolutionary path of persistent virus .


  19. Owing to error-prone polymerase and segmented genome of influenza virus , there is common phenomenon of mutations ( antigenic drift ) and reassortment ( antigenic shift ) for influenza virus and emergence of new variants or strains .


  20. The origin of the new influenza virus is very complex . It is a multiple reassortment virus . The hemagglutinin ( HA ) gene was derived from the 1918 swine influenza virus , other genes from human , avian and Europe swine influenza viruses .
