Reading Essays

Reading EssaysReading Essays
  1. The more advanced students are required to write two reading essays per semester .


  2. Members of the admission committee do not get any special rewards for reading essays carefully .


  3. By reading essays , short answer , and discusses three kinds of questions of the candidates for oral test .


  4. Hoping to be able to live the first line of township high school language teachers to provide teaching of reading essays for reference .


  5. Improved access to relevant extra-curricular materials through classroom book corners , and encourage and guide the students to write reading essays .


  6. A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews


  7. Throughout the semester students are asked to submit short reading response essays on every work .


  8. At least , those I could reach , and look forward to reading your personal essays .


  9. It becomes clearer , in the course of reading the individual essays , that the " dark years " are discussed in light of the European crisis of legitimacy .


  10. By using the theory of intertextuality , chapter HI discussed that the cultivation of students modern chinese competence is mainly acquired by means of reading model modern chinese essays but not classic chinese ones .


  11. Then , I will do some reading , for example reading English texts and passages and reading fine Chinese essays to keep the good habit of learning .
