Raw material consumption

美 [rɔː məˈtɪriəl kənˈsʌmpʃn]英 [rɔː məˈtɪəriəl kənˈsʌmpʃn]
  • 网络原材料消耗
Raw material consumptionRaw material consumption
  1. On the Excel software in the product application of the calculation of raw material consumption


  2. Discussion of the ways to calculate the raw material consumption index of unit product in MECHANICAL-WORKING production of ordnance industry


  3. This will result the jagged edges in rolling strip , lower product quality and increase raw material consumption .


  4. After a process and equipment upgrade , the unit ′ s energy and raw material consumption has dropped and process conditions have improved .


  5. Based on the long-term production practice , experiences in decreasing the raw material consumption in the production of chloroacetic acid are introduced .


  6. With the idea a low carbon economy threw , the traditional construction of low-technology and raw material consumption can not meet the requirements .


  7. Influences of the reactivity of lime on the production of bleaching powder concentrate are introduced in this paper , including process control , raw material consumption , product quality and etc.


  8. Production practice proves that , in noil silk yarn production , rotor spinning process is superior to ring spinning process in terms of product quality , raw material consumption and processing costs .


  9. There are many ways to synthesis glyoxylic acid . Among them the electrosynthesis method which employs electron as oxidant or reductant , can significantly reduce pollution . It can also decrease energy and raw material consumption .


  10. Having studied , calculated , analysed and compared with process flow , main raw material consumption , engineering technology and economy target , the authers concluded that the gas heated and directed fired parallel reforming process can be applied to C. C.


  11. Lowering the workshop cost is the center of production management , which includes doing a good job in the technology management , perfection of the responsibility system in regard to production accidents , speeding up the technical improvement and lowering the raw material consumption .


  12. The article introduces that the overplus methane in Tianjin 's ethylene plant is about 1.5t/h after revamping , it was great loss if the methane being vent to flare . After innovation , the energy and raw material consumption is reduced by increasing methane exportation .


  13. : Status quo and development orientation of types , product structure , raw material supply , consumption situation of thermo - set powder paint are introduced .


  14. In order to increase the productivity and lower the raw material and energy consumption , CC slab hot charging rolling technology has been applied at Baosteel .


  15. Several overseas incineration ash melting furnace technologies are introduced . They are compared with each other in the capacity , suited raw material and energy consumption and so on .


  16. The technology of pot with prebaked anodes was analyzed in aspects such as advanced process , low pollutants discharge , clean raw materials , low material consumption , energy saving and waste recovery .


  17. Through the new project of optimized design for process system of LPG crack raw material storage and handling facilities the actual capacity of 2 # ethylene plant is increased and energy consumption for crack raw material consumption and for ethylene plant is reduced .
