Rare earth resources

Rare earth resourcesRare earth resources
  1. Rare earth resources are national strategic resources .


  2. Thinking on Protection and Strategic Reserves of Rare Earth Resources in Baotou


  3. Pollution control and prevention measures are addressed from the ground of recycling rare earth resources .


  4. China is abundant in rare earth resources , with its reserves ranking first in the world .


  5. China has abundant rare earth resources , which show excellent promoting effect in the catalytic hydrogenation reaction .


  6. There are rich rare earth resources in our country , which have many advantages to develop variable frequency speed control system .


  7. At the same time , China has rich rare earth resources . The development of brushless DC motor has a great advantage .


  8. In addition , Baogang Group also should take the advantages of rare earth resources , and develop special iron-steel products , improve the competitiveness of enterprises .


  9. Chinese rare earth resources are very abundant , there is accumulation of a large number on RE scientific research data , but information sharing and utilization is still very weak .


  10. In recent years , with the exploitation of rare earth resources , this group of biologically unessential elements is becoming closely related with people 's daily life .


  11. China is a big country rich in Rare earth resources , nearly accounting for 80 % of global reserves , and it has a wealth of firsthand information .


  12. There are abundant rare earth resources in China , using rare earth to prepare new types of photochromic pearlescent pigment has significance no matter in theories or application .


  13. There is a unique advantage of rare earth resources in China , and the existing rare earth resource in Baotou is accounted for 83 percent in the entire country .


  14. Taking into account of the rare earth resources and the cost of business , we can see a bright future of the gearless asynchronous traction machine and its control system .


  15. Product development and technology can give full play to our advantages of rare earth resources , greatly improving the added value of rare resources , rare earth powers for rare earth powers .


  16. China has the most plentiful magnesium and rare earth resources in the world , which provides advantages in researching and developing high properties rare earth magnesium alloys with the acceptable cost .


  17. The economic development levels of different regions are various , uneven distribution of interests cause that the government policies failed to meet the expected goal and to realize the sustainable development of rare earth resources .


  18. At present , the study of rare earth resources of scholars from the micro-economic individual or macro-economic management policies , pains in the analysis of prices , production and exports and other economic variables .


  19. Using economic methods , the sustainable development of natural resources from the perspective of the value of finding solutions of rare earth resources and environment implementation mechanism is rare , far from forming a clear and complete theoretical system .


  20. According to the Chinese rare earth resources utilization , should be to optimize the national macro-management policy-based , supplemented by the market elimination mechanism to promote the evolution of the domestic rare earth market structure .


  21. However , it has a low recovery of rare earth resources in ore processing stage , which cause the waste of resources . This mainly because the ore property is complex and mineral processing technology is less advanced .


  22. Although China has a very rich rare earth resources , However , due to the exploitation of pressure to bear a disproportionate And rare earth industry lagging behind , Urgent need to strengthen the protection of this important resource .


  23. The thesis has analyzed the applicable value of rare earth resources in traditional and new products and traced the evolution , development and present status of Liaoning 's rare earth industry with a view toward its promising trends in the future .


  24. Cerium element has unique chemical properties due to its 4f orbits with underfilling electrons , and therefore developing catalytic materials containing cerium is one of the most effective ways to promote the applications of rare earth resources in our country with high efficiency and high quality .


  25. Ensure enough precious rare earth separation resources supply our company has established alliances with many domestic north-south rare-earth company .


  26. General Comments on Rare Earth and Scarce Resources in Baiyunebo ( to be continued )


  27. The Research on Application Technique for Rare Earth Leaching Residue as Resources


  28. The foreign ministry said China hoped " other countries with rare earths will also actively develop their rare earth resources to share the burden of global rare earths supply " .


  29. Therefor , it is important to study the mechanism of interaction between rare earth and proteins . The results maybe enable to provide a theoretical foundation for secure utilization of rare earth resources .
