• 网络劳尔;劳尔色卡;拉尔;乐尔;色卡
  1. Conclusion : CT 、 MRI examinations are effective methods for RAL diagnosis .


  2. Hence the research of key technologies for RAL management is of great importance in both theory and application .


  3. Refractory acute leukemia ( RAL ) is a tough problem in clinical treating .


  4. It has also analysed the gene - ( ral ) principle of backup UPS .


  5. Structure-property relationship modeling for linear chain polymers by artificial neu - ral networks


  6. Theoretical Study of Multi - wavelength Radiation Thermometry based on RBF Neu - ral Network


  7. Conclusions The imaging findings of RAL are closely related to the pathological feature of the tumor .


  8. Conclusion : appreciated methods of scanning is the key of CT diagnosis in the atypical RAL .


  9. Determination of the Margins of the Film Boiling in Natu - ral Circulation Boiler Systems


  10. Studies on Expression of Lipase Gene Ral of Rhizopus Arrhizus in Bacillus Subtilis


  11. Natu ral resources science , environment scie-nce and ecology are the disciplines at same level .


  12. The key technologies of system realization are discussed and thus the research direction of the dissertation is determined . Secondly , the modeling technology of RAL is studied .


  13. Conclusions : This study suggest that the jugular foramen can be divided into neu ral part , petrosal part and sigmoid part .


  14. Undoubtedly , however , it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the ral revolutonary milestone of human musical communication .


  15. Taoism ecology esthetics takes the natu - ral beauty as the core and pay attention to the spirit benefit that nature brings to people in esthetic process .


  16. Scanning , transmission and immuno-electron microscopic methods have been combined to overall observe , compare and identify the CSF-contacting neurons in the ral third cerebral ventricle .


  17. However , since the Web services API does not support RAL , schemas for input data , output data , and variables must be available in an appropriate format on the client .


  18. On this base , we run a prospective , double-blind-method , and multi-center clinical study first time to interfere in RAL ambi-chemotherapy mainly treated with Chinese herbs in domestic .


  19. Considering the characteristics of complexity , reconstructing , intelligent and autonomy of the RAL , an agent oriented timed colored Petri net ( ATCPN ) modeling approach is proposed .


  20. The US diagnostic rate in the typical RAL patients is 100 % ( 7 / 7 ), and in the atypical RAL patients is 17 % ( 1 / 6 ) .


  21. Results : There is rare positive findings in X-ray . The tipical CT 、 MRI finds of RAL are renal tumors which have distinct margin with more or less fat component .


  22. The result showed that binding modes of most of compounds with IN was similar to that of RAL in PFV IN complex , and electrostatic interaction is an important factor in regulating inhibitor activity .


  23. Thesis data came from eight third class grade A hospitals including 72 RAL cases observed from 04 , Jan to 05 , Feb. Among them , 2 cases discontinued treating automatically , 6 cases had no complete data .


  24. Bad reaction to treatment , low induced relieving rate , high recurrence rate , and short survival period are tough problem in the treatment of refractory acute leukemia ( RAL ) . So combined chemotherapy is still the main treatment method .


  25. We report the ultrasonographic ( US ), computer tomographic ( CT ) and Intravenous pyelographic ( IVP ) findings of13 cases of renal angiomyolipoma ( RAL ) confirmed by operation and pathological examination .


  26. Materials and Methods : 25 renal angiomyolipoma ( RAL ) were studied by two dimensional ultrasonography , color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ), power Doppler imaging ( PDI ) and pulsed wave Doppler ( Pw ) .


  27. Even at that exciting moment , I remembered the old Admi - ral Benbow , and I seemed to hear the voice of old Bill , thr sea - man , singing with them .


  28. From two aspects such as regional nationality and zoology , the designers bring to bear different designing and expressive techniques to deliver themselves of cognition for regional culture and strive to harmonize building with natu - ral environment .


  29. In this case , to coordinate the development of geological prospecting with mining industry and relative industry , we must attach importance to the study of change relations from unknown resources to mine - ral reserves to mine products and industrial raw materials .


  30. some that operate as non-profits under the status of etablissement d'enseignement sup é rieur priv é d'int é r ê t g é n é ral ( private higher education institutions with a public interest ) ;
