Quantum black hole

Quantum black holeQuantum black hole
  1. The Classical Black Hole Quantum Black Hole and Its Thermal Property


  2. Unfortunately , at present no one is smart enough to solve the problem of a quantum black hole .


  3. We discuss thermal radition and is heat perty of quantum black hole .


  4. Several groups of physicists independently announced that string theory can completely solve the problem of a quantum black hole .


  5. We find that the temperature of the quantum black hole of the Brans type 1 is singular .


  6. Quantum Schwarzschild black hole and dark matter


  7. We improve this method , and obtain the correct quantum correction of black hole entropy via tunneling method .


  8. The Thermal Characters of Quantum Field Near the Black Hole


  9. Quantum Statistical Entropy of Black Hole


  10. Quantum entropy of cylindrical black hole in Anti-de Sitter space-time


  11. Divergence structure for the quantum entropy of a black hole in Anti-de Sitter spacetime due to the electromagnetic and gravitational fields is investigated by using the brick-wall model .


  12. It is shown that when - Λ r 3 H > 3m / 2 , the spin of the neutrinos leads to a positive additional term in the quantum entropy of the black hole ;


  13. Nonetheless there are still some fundament issues that can be investigated even the absence of the full-developed quantum theory , say , what is the quantum spectrum of the black hole .


  14. These calculation and discussion imply that the high density quantum states near the event horizon are strongly correlated with the quantum states in black hole and the ultraviolet cut-off in the brick-wall model is not reasonable .
