
  • 网络乙胺嘧啶;乙嘧啶;息疟定
  1. The effect of pyrimethamine on contact sensitivity and tolerance to DNFB in mice


  2. Orbital and vaginal hemorrhage was also noted in rats administered with chloroquine and pyrimethamine .


  3. Existing drugs , such as pyrimethamine , are becoming increasingly ineffective as the parasite develops resistance to them .


  4. Analysis on results of antimalarial pyronaridine combined with sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine to falciparum malaria


  5. Mice of the second generation in low dose spiramycin group and 1 mouse of the third generation in low dose pyrimethamine group were also found infected .


  6. Studies on the sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to pyronaridine / sulfadoxine / pyrimethamine in vitro


  7. Prospective randomized trial of trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole versus pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine in the treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis


  8. The result of therapy of toxoplasmatic peritonitis administering Sulfadiazine and Pyrimethamine for 4-therapic courses was effective .


  9. Comparative studies on the treatment of drug resistant falciparum malaria with single dose or two day regimens of pyronaridine / sulfadoxine pyrimethamine plus primaquine


  10. The embryotoxicity of chloroquine and pyrimethamine in rats


  11. [ Conclusion ] The in vitro method can be used to assess the sensitivity of P. falciparum to pyronaridine / sulfadoxine / pyrimethamine .


  12. Feulgen stain and microspectrophotometer were used for the study of the effect of pyrimethamine on the DNA amount of oocysts of Plasmodium yoelii yoelii .


  13. In tests against P. cynomolgi in rhesus monkeys , four compounds ( 1 , 8 , 20 , 25 ) were found to be less effective than primaquine and pyrimethamine in the same dosage level .


  14. The susceptibility of this chloroquine-resistant line to 7 antimalarials revealed more sensitive to pyrimethamine , sulfadoxine and primaquine , but exhibited some degree of cross resistance to the other 4 drugs , i. e.


  15. There were not specific medicine to toxoplasmosis , the drugs , such as pyrimethamine , acetyl spiramycin , et al , are used widely to treat toxoplasmosis , but the drugs only kill or depress tachyzoite , do not affect bradyzoites in the tissue cyst .
