Pure Jurisprudence

Pure JurisprudencePure Jurisprudence
  1. Comments on Pure Jurisprudence and Its Inspiration to Legal Order in Present-day China


  2. This thesis principally study his thought on eliminating ideology in the law , hope to show the definite meaning of the pure jurisprudence .


  3. Pure Jurisprudence , advocated by Kelson , is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence .


  4. At present , the study on interlocked penal and civil cases almost limited to the aspects of entity and pure jurisprudence instead of the study on procedure problems .


  5. In the process of constructing the legal order in contemporary China , the methodology of analytical positivism in its original sense , represented by Pure Jurisprudence , and legal efficiency , are very instructive .


  6. Cardozo pursued the teaching of practical conceptualism that was based on the needs of society to its ideological foundation for the administration of justice , Instead of the usual or we are talking about pure pragmatism or social jurisprudence , and so on .
